[Abstract]:The cultural exchanges and cooperation between China and France have a long history and influence each other. So how do French learners view China, especially Chinese culture, in today's French Chinese language teaching? Undeniably, there are great differences between Chinese and French cultures. Due to the existence of this kind of cultural difference, students often have different degrees of psychological confusion and cultural misunderstanding, which is not conducive to the study of Chinese. Some factors, such as news media reports, affect learners' evaluation of China and even lead to misunderstanding of Chinese culture. This is not conducive to the long-term development of Sino-French relations and mutual understanding between China and France. The author is from France, so I am very curious about the attitude of French students to Chinese culture, and want to study the evaluation, attitude and interest of French students on Chinese culture. The question of this thesis is whether the interest of French students in Chinese culture can stimulate the motivation of learning Chinese? Can some of the prejudices that students may develop dilute this interest? In addition, great interest also affects learners' attitudes towards Chinese culture. Therefore, this paper discusses the specific reaction and attitude of French learners, and the reasons for their emergence. Through this analysis, the author should try his best to find out how the French people have some prejudice against the Chinese, and prove the correct form of French Chinese teaching activities and the effective way to solve these problems properly. Combined with the characteristics of this paper, for the convenience of this study, this paper focuses on investigation. This thesis consists of five chapters: the first chapter is the preface chapter, the second chapter is the design of the investigation, the third and fourth chapters are the conclusion analysis and conclusion chapter, the last chapter is the conclusion chapter. The first chapter mainly discusses the background of this thesis and the significance of the topic, as well as the predecessors on the main theories of Chinese culture teaching are summarized and analyzed. The author discusses the important role of the application of culture teaching in the formation of learners' cultural attitude. The research method, purpose and significance of this paper are briefly explained. The second chapter discusses the definition of cultural attitude in this paper, the sample of the object of investigation, the specific content of the investigation, the form of investigation and the method of investigation based on the present situation of France. The third chapter is the four main conclusions of the investigation and its analysis. Based on the observed data, the author analyzes and speculates the interest of French learners, their positive attitude, the reasons for their inadequate understanding of Chinese culture, and some negative comments from students. According to the definition of cultural attitude in the second chapter, the author analyzes the attitude of learners towards Chinese culture from the perspective of preconceived ideas. The fourth chapter is the four conclusions of the investigation and discussion. According to the results of the survey, the author understands the common cultural attitudes held by different French learners. It also discusses the need to correct these attitudes, especially due to prejudice or cultural misunderstandings. The fifth chapter is the conclusion of the whole thesis and its influence on the teaching of French and Chinese. In order to eliminate some misunderstandings about Chinese culture held by the French, the author puts forward some cultural teaching proposals. This chapter also points out some shortcomings of this paper.
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