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发布时间:2018-08-14 15:11
【摘要】:每一个自然句子必然有其特定的语气,这种语气也基本上表达了说话者的态度、情感等,由于语气词的意义非常复杂、空灵,在实际研究中也比较难以操作,因此对于它的研究一直比较薄弱,但近年来却受到了越来越多的关注。同时,鉴于动词在句子中的特殊地位,吕叔湘先生曾经说“动词是句子的中心、核心、重心”,而心理动词是一类比较特殊的动词,它涉及到情感、意愿和认知等心理活动,自八十年代以来越来越受到语法学界的重视,并取得了许多成果。但是将两者结合起来进行研究应算得上是比较新颖的角度,而且,跨词类研究能够同时深入心理动词和语气词的研究。 第一、二章在回顾前人关于心理动词、语气词研究成果的基础上,通过统计的方法,选出了80个心理动词作为本文的研究对象,同时从语义角度将这些动词分为五个小类,即:认知心理动词、积极情感心理动词、消极情感心理动词、积极意愿心理动词和消极意愿心理动词;此外,本文从众多句末语气词中选取“吗、呢、吧、啊、嘛、啦、的、了”等8个。 第三章从80个心理动词中筛选出31个,并借助北大语料库这一平台,对这些动词和8个语气词进行直接匹配,其中也包括心理动词后面跟有“着、了、过”时态助词的情况。按照与语气词匹配的心理动词的个数和次数的差异,语气词与心理动词匹配能力由强到弱排列的序列是:的了呢吗啊"g吧啦嘛。 第四章从心理动词的5个小类中筛选出6个作为本章的个案研究。对于语气词而言,它们往往有典型语气和一般语气;“懂、认为”认知类心理动词和其余四个心理动词相比较,很少和表祈使语气的语气词匹配。
[Abstract]:Every natural sentence must have its own specific mood, which basically expresses the speaker's attitude, emotion, etc. Because the meaning of the modal word is very complex and empty, it is difficult to operate in the practical research. Therefore, the research on it has been relatively weak, but in recent years it has received more and more attention. At the same time, in view of the special position of verbs in sentences, Mr. Lv Shuxiang once said that "verbs are the center, core and center of the sentence", while psychological verbs are a kind of relatively special verbs, which involve psychological activities such as emotion, willingness and cognition. Since 1980's, more and more attention has been paid to grammar and many achievements have been made. However, it is a relatively new angle to combine the two studies, and the cross-speech study can study psychological verbs and mood words at the same time. In the first and second chapters, on the basis of reviewing the previous researches on psychological verbs and modal verbs, 80 psychological verbs are selected as the object of this paper by statistical method. At the same time, they are divided into five subcategories from the semantic point of view. That is: cognitive psychological verb, positive emotional psychological verb, negative emotional psychological verb, positive willing psychological verb and negative willing psychological verb; in addition, this article selects from many modal words at the end of sentence, "do, ah, la," Wait for eight. In the third chapter, 31 out of 80 psychological verbs are selected, and by the platform of Peking University corpus, these verbs and 8 mood words are directly matched, which also includes the situation that the psychological verbs are followed by the tense auxiliary words. According to the difference of the number and number of psychological verbs matched with mood words, the sequence of matching ability of mood words and psychological verbs from strong to weak is: are they "g bar"? Chapter four selects 6 out of 5 subcategories of psychological verbs as the case study of this chapter. For modal words, they often have typical mood and general mood, and cognitive psychological verbs rarely match the mood words of imperative mood when compared with the other four psychological verbs.


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