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发布时间:2018-09-10 13:14
【摘要】:语言与文化的关系是当代人文科学研究共同关注的一个重大课题。一般认为,“文化包括一切人类社会共享的产物。”(邓炎昌、刘润清:《语言与文化》)。因此,我们可以说:语言是属于文化的,或者可以说是文化中一个特殊的组合体。与此同时,语言是一个民族在长期物质生活中产生和发展起来的,是物质生活基础上的精神产品。语言作为一种社会现象和一种交际工具,无论从广义还是狭义角度都理所当然地成为文化的载体。 本文从兼容性的角度来看待语言与文化的关系。这一视角在英语和汉语的语言关系中很重要,但作为一个学术用语从科技领域引入语言学领域却是第一次。大多去过英国或者其它英联邦国家的人都知道我们所携带的插头是无法在当地插座上使用的。这在技术上被称作不兼容。文化和语言领域也存在同样的问题。我们在看一些西方短剧时,不难发现这样的现象:主人公在剧中的对话引起观众的阵阵笑声,而我们作为外国人,尽管对话语中每一句话,甚至每一个单词都听得清清楚楚,就是不知道它的幽默所在。究其根源,就在于文化差异。外国人听中国的相声小品时又何尝不是如此?貌似平淡的语言符号能带给不同受众截然不同的心理冲击这一现象背后所折射出的,是不同民族的文化、历史乃至性格上的差异以及这些差异之间的相互兼容性问题。不过,语言和文化的兼容性问题是很广泛的,鉴于此,本文将就其中的一个方面,即汉语与英语习语的兼容性问题,展开论述。论文由6章构成: 第1章为简介。介绍了本文的研究目的、研究意义和行文的基本框架。 第2章就习语和兼容性进行定义,从而为文章围绕这一主题的展开奠定基础。 第3章探讨了兼容性问题产生的原因,同时将兼容性可以划分为三种类型:兼容、部分兼容及完全不兼容。 第4章以中英习语中与“快乐”,“食物”和“动物”相关的习语为例,对中英习语的兼容性问题进行了分别阐述。文章认为:中英两种语言在诸如"throw one's cap up"和“兴高采烈”之类习语的表面差异背后,都是”通过身体向上的姿势和动作”来表达“快乐”,这是可相互兼容的。与此同时,又指出了中国更细腻地通过”眼睛”甚至“眉毛”来传递的“快乐”的心情,如”眉开眼笑”、“喜上眉梢”等,这是英语及其文化所不具备的,属于不兼容类型,等等。 第5章分析和预测了兼容性问题的发展前景,认为随着全球化进程的深化,中英、中美等国文化交流的深入,相互理解和包容的加强,中英习语的兼容性问题将逐渐弱化,更多的诸如“好久不见”这样的习语将由不兼容走向兼容。 第6章为总结。文章进一步强调了文化因素在习语兼容性问题中的核心地位,认为习语的兼容性问题源自文化差异,同时也会因为文化的交流、互动、融合而得到缓解和消除。
[Abstract]:The relationship between language and culture is a major issue of common concern in contemporary humanities research. It is generally believed that "culture includes the products shared by all human societies." Deng Yanchang, Liu Runqing: language and Culture. Therefore, we can say that language belongs to culture, or it is a special combination of culture. At the same time, language is produced and developed by a nation in long-term material life, and it is a spiritual product based on material life. As a social phenomenon and a communicative tool, language has become the carrier of culture in broad sense and narrow sense. This paper looks at the relationship between language and culture from the perspective of compatibility. This perspective is very important in the linguistic relationship between English and Chinese, but it is the first time that an academic term has been introduced into the field of linguistics from the field of science and technology. Most people who have been to Britain or other Commonwealth countries know that the plugs we carry can't be used in local sockets. This is technically called incompatibility. The same problem exists in the field of culture and language. When we watch some western short dramas, it is not difficult to find such a phenomenon: the protagonist's dialogue in the play arouses laughter from the audience, and we, as foreigners, hear clearly every word, even every word, in our discourse. I just don't know where its humor lies. The root of it lies in cultural differences. When foreigners listen to Chinese crosstalk sketches, why not? The phenomenon that the seemingly plain language symbol can bring different psychological impact to different audiences reflects the cultural, historical and even personality differences of different nationalities and their mutual compatibility. However, the compatibility between language and culture is very extensive. In view of this, this paper will discuss one of the aspects, that is, the compatibility between Chinese and English idioms. The thesis consists of six chapters: chapter 1 is a brief introduction. The purpose, significance and basic frame of this paper are introduced. Chapter 2 defines idioms and compatibility so as to lay a foundation for this topic. Chapter 3 discusses the causes of compatibility problem and divides compatibility into three types: compatibility, partial compatibility and complete incompatibility. Chapter 4 discusses the compatibility of Chinese and English idioms with the examples of "happiness", "food" and "animals". The paper holds that behind the apparent differences between Chinese and English idioms such as "throw one's cap up" and "exhilaration", "happiness" is expressed by "body upward posture and movement", which is compatible with each other. At the same time, it also points out that the mood of "happiness" that China conveys more delicately through "eyes" or even "eyebrows", such as "frowning and laughing" and "surpassing with joy", is something that English and its culture do not possess and belong to an incompatible type. Wait Chapter 5 analyzes and predicts the development prospect of compatibility problem, and holds that with the deepening of globalization, the deepening of cultural exchanges between China and Britain, and the strengthening of mutual understanding and tolerance, the compatibility of Chinese and English idioms will gradually weaken. More idioms such as "long time no see" will move from incompatibility to compatibility. Chapter 6 is a summary. The article further emphasizes the core position of cultural factors in idiom compatibility, and holds that the problem of idiom compatibility originates from cultural differences, and at the same time, it can be alleviated and eliminated because of cultural exchange, interaction and fusion.


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