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发布时间:2018-12-20 09:16
【摘要】:“重要”、“主要”和“首要”是现代汉语中使用频率比较高的一组同义词,由于三者词义相近,所以人们在使用的过程中经常将它们互换,但是“重要”、“主要”和“首要”还有很多情况是不能替换的,对于这些不能替换的情况和三者之间的具体差异以往还缺乏全面地考察。因此,本文从句法功能、组配关系、语义语用特征等方面对三者的异同进行研究。通过这一组个案的研究,使我们对汉语形容词与区别词交叉分布、语义功能的异同,对语义相近区别词与名词之间选择关系的异同,可以有比较深入的了解。 绪论部分主要包括:研究对象和选题缘起;相关研究综述;本文的研究意义、所运用的理论和方法;语料来源。 第一章从句法功能方面对“重要”、“主要”和“首要”进行了比较,明确三者在句法功能方面的相同点与不同点。 第二章主要考察“重要”、“主要”和“首要”与名词之间的组配关系,及三者在作定语时的差异。“重要”修饰的名词多为积极义和中性义名词,修饰消极义名词相对较少。“重要”修饰积极义与中性义名词是无标记组配,,修饰消极义名词则是有标记组配。“主要”修饰的名词多数为集体中的成员有主从关系,或者是整体中的部分具有主从关系的。“主要”与同一类别中的“主体”名词搭配是无标记组配,与表示“从属”义名词搭配是有标记组配。三者都能修饰的名词多为积极义和中性义,并且内部可以区分出“等级”与“主次”。“重要”修饰名词,着重强调名词的等级,表示评价的语义;“主要”修饰名词,强调的是名词的主体范围,表示解释说明的语义;“首要”修饰名词,则强调的是相关事物的次序性。 第三章考察了“重要”、“主要”和“首要”修饰名词时不能相互替换的情况。“重要”和“主要”作定语修饰同一名词时,当前面出现数量词,或者后面出现“之一”时,“重要”和“主要”可以相互替换,但不能替换成“首要”;当说话人用“主要”来形容自己的文章著作表示自谦时,“主要”不能替换成“重要”;当“重要”、“主要”和“首要”作定语所修饰名词有情感色彩变化时,三者不能随意替换。 总结部分对“重要”、“主要”和“首要”的异同进行了总结性的说明,并且提出有待于进一步思考和研究的问题。
[Abstract]:"important", "main" and "primary" are the more frequently used synonyms in modern Chinese. Because of their similar meanings, people often swap them in the process of using them, but they are important. "main" and "primary" still have many cases which can not be replaced, and there is a lack of comprehensive investigation on these irreplaceable cases and the concrete differences between them. Therefore, this paper studies the similarities and differences in syntactic function, group relationship, semantic and pragmatic features. Through the study of this group of cases, we can have a deeper understanding of the cross-distribution of adjectives and distinguishing words, the similarities and differences of semantic functions, and the similarities and differences of the choice relationship between semantic similar distinguishing words and nouns. The introduction mainly includes: the object of study and the origin of the topic; the related research review; the significance of this study; the theory and methods used; the source of the corpus. The first chapter compares "important", "main" and "primary" from syntactic function, and clarifies their similarities and differences in syntactic function. The second chapter mainly examines the relationship between "important", "main" and "primary" and nouns, and their differences in attributive. The most important nouns are positive and neutral nouns, while the negative ones are relatively few. "important" modifies positive and neutral nouns as unmarked combinations, and modifies negative nouns with marked combinations. Most of the nouns modified by "main" are the members of a collective who have a master-subordinate relationship, or a part of the whole that has a master-slave relationship. The collocation of "main" and "subject" nouns in the same category is unmarked, and the collocation of "subordinate" nouns is marked. Most of the nouns that can be modified are positive meaning and neutral meaning, and can distinguish "rank" from "primary and secondary" internally. "important" modifies nouns, emphasizes the rank of nouns and denotes the semantics of evaluation, "main" modifies nouns, emphasizes the subject scope of nouns, and expresses the semantics of explanation. "first" modifies the noun and emphasizes the order of the related things. Chapter three examines the irreplaceable situation of "important", "main" and "primary" when modifying nouns. When "important" and "main" refer to the same noun, "important" and "main" can be replaced by each other, but cannot be replaced by "primary" when the quantifier appears before or after "one"; When the speaker uses the word "main" to describe his self-abasement, "main" cannot be replaced by "important"; When the nouns modified by "important", "main" and "primary" have emotional changes, the three cannot be replaced at will. In the conclusion part, the similarities and differences among "important", "main" and "primary" are summarized, and some problems that need further consideration and study are put forward.


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