[Abstract]:With the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and South Korea entered the 20th year, especially in the 2012 South Korea's new HSK system reform such a background, South Korea also set off a wave of "Chinese craze". It is against this background that the author of this paper makes a survey and summary of his teaching practice unit in Korea, current Affairs Chinese language Institute. Located in Seoul, Korea, Jiji Chinese language Institute is a major private teaching unit in Korea, where Chinese language teaching, book publishing, examination and training, and study abroad are established. Both the scale and the level of Chinese teaching represent the highest standards in Seoul. This paper is divided into five parts according to the practical experience of Chinese language teaching in current Affairs Chinese language Institute, according to the ideas of finding problems, putting forward problems and solving problems. Introduction, briefly introduces the research background, research purpose and significance, research methods and so on. The first chapter mainly discusses the current situation of Chinese teaching in Korean current Affairs Chinese language Institute, and analyzes the situation of Xincun Campus, teaching setup, teachers, testing methods, existing teaching materials and learners' situation respectively. The second chapter mainly discusses the four common problems and shortcomings of current Affairs Chinese language Institute, namely, the status of Chinese language, classroom teaching methods, teachers' level and Chinese teaching materials, and briefly analyzes the reasons. The third chapter mainly aims at the existing four problems, puts forward the related suggestions and measures, that is, to determine the status of Chinese subject, to improve the classroom teaching methods, to improve the level of Chinese teachers, and to improve the shortage of Chinese teaching materials. In the conclusion part, the author summarizes the innovation and limitation of the research and creation of this paper. The author aims to provide a new reference for the teaching of overseas Chinese as a foreign language, especially Korean Chinese.
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