[Abstract]:There are many medical words (including words and phrases) in the literature of Zhuang nationality Mojing Bulutuo, which not only reflect the characteristics of Zhuang's language and the general picture of vocabulary development, but also contain many medical words and phrases. It also contains rich medical theory, which is the basic material for Zhuang language and Zhuang medicine. On the basis of translation, this paper makes a comprehensive study on the medical words and phrases by means of literature collection and data corroboration. The main purpose of this paper is to collect and sort out the Zhuang medical words, and to understand the general features and characteristics of Zhuang medical words from the perspectives of linguistics (such as the phonetic characteristics, lexical features and grammatical characteristics of words), cultural studies, etc. The purpose is to provide the basis material for the research of Zhuang medicine. In this paper, 936 cube-Zhuang medical words (386 medical words, 121 pharmaceutical words and 429 human words) which appear in Translation are classified and studied. The structure of the thesis is as follows: chapter one: introduction. This paper mainly introduces the content and corpus value, the research status of Zhuang characters and Zhuang medical words, the purpose, contents and methods of this paper. The second chapter: the box Zhuang word medicine word classification arrangement. According to certain standards, all the medical words and phrases are classified and summarized. The third chapter: the research of medical words and phrases. This paper analyzes the characteristics of the medicinal words and phrases of the Zhuang characters from the perspective of language and characters, investigates the origin and stream of the medical words in the words of Zhuang characters, and makes a preliminary comparison between the medical words and phrases in the Dictionary of Ancient Zhuang characters and the words of Zhuang people in the Dictionary of Ancient Zhuang characters. Chapter four: the cultural connotation of the medicinal words and phrases in the square and Zhuang characters. This paper mainly discusses the cultural connotation of medicinal words and phrases in square and Zhuang characters from two aspects: the culture of witch doctor and the culture of language. There is a conclusion at the end of the text.
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