发布时间:2019-02-09 19:16
【摘要】:新闻作为信息的载体,是人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。近几十年来,国内外学者对新闻语篇展开了大量的研究工作,并取得了丰硕的成果。随着系统功能语言学和篇章语言学的蓬勃发展,新闻语篇的主位推进模式也成为学者们的主要研究方向。主位推进模式是分析语篇的重要手段之一,也是篇章语言学的重要研究内容。做为语篇的一种,新闻语篇有其自身的特点,在主位推进模式的选择上,也有自身特点。 本研究将以Halliday的主位理论和Danes的主位推进模式为理论框架,并结合近年来国内各学者的相关理论,对汉英两种语言的新闻语篇进行对比研究,探索主位推进模式在这两种语言的新闻语篇中使用倾向的共性和差异,并分析产生异同的原因。鉴于此,本课题将主要回答以下三个问题: 1.汉英新闻语篇的主位推进模式主要有哪些? 2.汉英新闻语篇的主位推进模式的使用倾向是否相同?同一主位推进模式在两种语言的新闻语篇中的使用率是否相同? 3.汉英新闻语篇对主位推进模式的选择是否存在差异?如果存在差异,如何解释造成差异的原因? 为便于研究,作者自建120篇的小型语料库,内容取自国内外最具权威的报业及传媒官网,如光明网、人民网、新华网、泰晤士报官网、BBC官网等。语料新闻均来自2012年下半年,且涉及政治、经济、体育、娱乐等不同题材。作者对语料文本进行主述位的划分、对其主位推进模式进行分析,并分别统计出汉语和英语两种语言的新闻中主位推进模式的使用倾向,找出两种语言的新闻语篇在选择主位推进模式上存在的相同点和不同点,并解释造成这种异同的原因。 研究结果显示:1.汉英两种新闻语篇在语篇组织模式和篇章衔接方式方面有着共同点,然由于两种语言的本质差异,使得二者在主位选择及主位推进方面也呈现出了差异。在各自的语篇内部做对比发现,它们都具有如下特点:a无标记主位多于标记主位;b.单项主位多于复项主位;c.经验主位多于人际主位和语篇主位。对比二者的主位发现亦存在如下差异:a.汉语标记主位多于英语,英语无标记主位多于汉语;b.汉语语篇中的“主位空置”现象多于英语语篇。2.在主位推进模式方面,二者既有共性又有差异。共性体现在:a.汉英新闻语篇简单线型模式和主位重复型模式使用频率大致相同;b.汉英新闻语篇集中型推进模式的使用频率是所有模式中最高的。差异体现在几种模式在两种语篇中使用频率的大小次序上。 综上所述,本文的研究结果不仅总结出了汉英新闻语篇的主位推进模式的异同及导致异同的原因,也使人们对两种语言的新闻语篇的理解更加深化,有助于研究新闻语篇的写作技巧。
[Abstract]:As the carrier of information, news is an indispensable part of people's life. In recent decades, scholars at home and abroad have carried out a lot of research on news discourse, and have achieved fruitful results. With the rapid development of systemic functional linguistics and textual linguistics, the thematic progression of news discourse has become the main research direction of scholars. Thematic progression is one of the most important means of discourse analysis, and it is also an important part of textual linguistics. As a kind of discourse, news discourse has its own characteristics, as well as its own characteristics in the choice of thematic progression mode. This study takes Halliday's thematic theory and Danes's thematic progression model as the theoretical framework, and combines the relevant theories of domestic scholars in recent years to make a contrastive study of news discourses in both Chinese and English languages. This paper explores the similarities and differences of thematic progression patterns in news discourse between the two languages, and analyzes the reasons for their similarities and differences. In view of this, this thesis will mainly answer the following three questions: 1. What are the main thematic progression patterns of Chinese-English news discourses? 2. Are the thematic progression patterns of Chinese-English news discourses the same? Is the usage of the same thematic progression pattern the same in news texts in both languages? 3. Are there differences in the choice of thematic progression patterns in Chinese-English news discourse? If there is a difference, how do you explain the cause of the difference? In order to facilitate the study, the author has built a small corpus of 120 articles, which are taken from the most authoritative official websites of newspapers and media at home and abroad, such as Guangming net, people's net, Xinhuanet, Times official website, BBC official website and so on. Corpus news comes from the second half of 2012, and involves different topics such as politics, economy, sports, entertainment and so on. The author divides the corpus texts into themes and rhemes, analyzes their thematic progression patterns, and statistics the tendency to use thematic progression patterns in news in Chinese and English, respectively. This paper finds out the similarities and differences in the choice of thematic progression in news discourse of the two languages, and explains the reasons for the differences and similarities. The results show that: 1. Chinese and English news discourses have some similarities in terms of text organization patterns and textual cohesion. However, due to the essential differences between the two languages, there are also differences in thematic choice and thematic progression between the two languages. By comparing the two texts, we find that they all have the following characteristics: a unmarked theme is more than marked theme; b. The monomial theme is more than the multiplicative theme. Empirical theme is more than interpersonal theme and discourse theme. There are also differences between the two thematic findings: a. Chinese marked theme is more than English, English unmarked theme is more than Chinese; b. The phenomenon of "thematic emptiness" in Chinese discourse is more than that in English discourses. 2. In the aspect of thematic advancement mode, both of them have similarities and differences. The common features are as follows: a. The frequency of use of simple line pattern and thematic repetition pattern in Chinese-English news discourse is approximately the same; b. Chinese-English news discourse centralization is the most frequently used model. The difference lies in the order in which several patterns are used in both texts. To sum up, the findings of this paper not only summarize the similarities and differences of thematic progression patterns in Chinese-English news discourses, but also make people deepen their understanding of news discourses in both languages. It is helpful to study the writing skills of news discourses.
[Abstract]:As the carrier of information, news is an indispensable part of people's life. In recent decades, scholars at home and abroad have carried out a lot of research on news discourse, and have achieved fruitful results. With the rapid development of systemic functional linguistics and textual linguistics, the thematic progression of news discourse has become the main research direction of scholars. Thematic progression is one of the most important means of discourse analysis, and it is also an important part of textual linguistics. As a kind of discourse, news discourse has its own characteristics, as well as its own characteristics in the choice of thematic progression mode. This study takes Halliday's thematic theory and Danes's thematic progression model as the theoretical framework, and combines the relevant theories of domestic scholars in recent years to make a contrastive study of news discourses in both Chinese and English languages. This paper explores the similarities and differences of thematic progression patterns in news discourse between the two languages, and analyzes the reasons for their similarities and differences. In view of this, this thesis will mainly answer the following three questions: 1. What are the main thematic progression patterns of Chinese-English news discourses? 2. Are the thematic progression patterns of Chinese-English news discourses the same? Is the usage of the same thematic progression pattern the same in news texts in both languages? 3. Are there differences in the choice of thematic progression patterns in Chinese-English news discourse? If there is a difference, how do you explain the cause of the difference? In order to facilitate the study, the author has built a small corpus of 120 articles, which are taken from the most authoritative official websites of newspapers and media at home and abroad, such as Guangming net, people's net, Xinhuanet, Times official website, BBC official website and so on. Corpus news comes from the second half of 2012, and involves different topics such as politics, economy, sports, entertainment and so on. The author divides the corpus texts into themes and rhemes, analyzes their thematic progression patterns, and statistics the tendency to use thematic progression patterns in news in Chinese and English, respectively. This paper finds out the similarities and differences in the choice of thematic progression in news discourse of the two languages, and explains the reasons for the differences and similarities. The results show that: 1. Chinese and English news discourses have some similarities in terms of text organization patterns and textual cohesion. However, due to the essential differences between the two languages, there are also differences in thematic choice and thematic progression between the two languages. By comparing the two texts, we find that they all have the following characteristics: a unmarked theme is more than marked theme; b. The monomial theme is more than the multiplicative theme. Empirical theme is more than interpersonal theme and discourse theme. There are also differences between the two thematic findings: a. Chinese marked theme is more than English, English unmarked theme is more than Chinese; b. The phenomenon of "thematic emptiness" in Chinese discourse is more than that in English discourses. 2. In the aspect of thematic advancement mode, both of them have similarities and differences. The common features are as follows: a. The frequency of use of simple line pattern and thematic repetition pattern in Chinese-English news discourse is approximately the same; b. Chinese-English news discourse centralization is the most frequently used model. The difference lies in the order in which several patterns are used in both texts. To sum up, the findings of this paper not only summarize the similarities and differences of thematic progression patterns in Chinese-English news discourses, but also make people deepen their understanding of news discourses in both languages. It is helpful to study the writing skills of news discourses.
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