[Abstract]:Oral English classroom is an important place for teachers to make use of communicative activities to cultivate students' communicative competence. Organizing students to participate in various types of language communication activities in the classroom plays a vital role in promoting language output. The Curriculum Standard for the Middle and Advanced stages of Teaching Chinese as a Foreign language (TCFL) clearly points out that: In the intermediate stage, students' internalized language rules should be transformed into social communicative competence. However, at present, the prevailing situation is that the control of the turn of speech in the spoken Chinese classroom is in the hands of teachers, which does not provide learners with more opportunities to use the target language for communication. There are few opportunities for students to gain a voice through free competition. The unequal opportunities for students to speak hinder part of the behavior of expression and the potential desire for oral communication. If the effective mechanism can be formed in the classroom communication activities, the high frequency of the turn can be realized skillfully, the reasonable conversion, take care of more learners, let them participate in and share the communication opportunities. This can effectively improve the overall level of oral English and individual communicative competence. From the angle of turn-over, this paper focuses on Korean intermediate spoken Chinese classroom and deconstructs classroom communication activities. Classify and analyze the corpus of the participants in the activity, and make statistics on the content, time and organizational form of the activity. The purpose of this paper is to reveal the mechanism of turn-switching and the role and influence of turn-switching and related factors in the communicative activities of Korean intermediate spoken Chinese classroom. Through improving the way of teachers asking questions, organizing group activities and other ways to increase the form and frequency of turn-switching, enrich the distribution of turn-switching, so as to enable more students to share the opening opportunities and effectively participate in classroom activities. Provide references and suggestions for teachers to carry out effective activities in oral English class in the future. The structure of this paper is divided into five parts: chapter one: introduction. This paper introduces the origin and significance of the topic selection, and gives a review of the current situation of the research on turn-switching in conversational analysis and the main points of view of domestic and foreign scholars in classroom communication activities. At the same time, the research method of this paper is explained. The second chapter: the theoretical foundation part. It clarifies the conversational analysis theory, turn-switching theory and classroom communicative activity theory respectively, which lays a solid theoretical foundation for the later research. Chapter three: the part of research and design. In order to ensure the accuracy and scientificity of the research conclusion, the corresponding investigation methods are formulated according to the specific investigation objects selected in this paper, and the language data and data obtained from the investigation are carefully and reasonably analyzed by using scientific research tools. Chapter four: the analysis of the research results. Through the analysis of the corpus obtained from the survey, the statistical data, the mechanism of the turn-over and the factors related to the turn-over are analyzed and explained. Chapter V: conclusion. This paper summarizes the research results and puts forward some reasonable suggestions for teachers' classroom teaching. Finally, the paper points out the innovation of this paper while objectively examining the limitations of the study.
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