[Abstract]:Some scholars hold that the mandarin of Ming Dynasty is based on Nanjing dialect, which belongs to Jianghuai dialect, mainly based on some historical and literary materials. The paper holds that this view is difficult to withstand the test of historical comparison and to explain other historical materials. At the same time, some key materials of literature and history are reinterpreted. The article holds that Nanjing mandarin did have a high reputation at that time, but it is limited to some regions in the south, and Nanjing mandarin is a regional variant of Zhongyuan Shuyin in the south, which is different from Nanjing dialect. " Nanjing dialect is the base of mandarin of Ming Dynasty, which is confused literally, which confuses Nanjing mandarin as a branch of book sound and Nanjing dialect as a kind of Jianghuai dialect. At that time, the official language with national prestige was Heluo. In order to solve the basic problem of mandarin, we should not only judge by the historical data, but also rely on the study of language ontology, especially the comparative study of history.
【作者单位】: 中国社会科学院语言研究所;香港科技大学;
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