[Abstract]:The text-text relation is an important topic in the age of the image, and the core and the essence of the Budieu's "field-field theory" are the relation, so the text-text relationship can be reinterpreted with the "field-field theory". The language symbol and the image symbol are the main sub-field in the field of the symbol field, and there are both common areas and non-intersecting areas, so that the two are both "competition" and "to collude with". The "competition" refers to the quality of the image and text, which is the space of the virtual present and the fixed lattice, the absent image and the connected speech stream, and the "to collude with" refers to the intertext and the harmonious symbiosis between the text and the text. The main forms of the text-text relation are mutual writing and disobedience, and the main adjustment is harmonious symbiosis.
【作者单位】: 华中师范大学文学院;
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