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发布时间:2022-10-21 11:34
  随着中国的发展,全球掀起了“汉语热”的潮流。在欧洲、美洲、亚洲、非洲,很多国家已经在各级教育机构中将汉语正式设立为一种外语课程。到目前为止,国家汉办已在全球建成327所孔子学院和369所孔子课堂来开展汉语课程和传播中国文化。因此,对外汉语教学也随之成为二语习得领域研究较多的话题。在对外汉语教学领域里,对外汉语习得的过程和最终习得结果受汉语磨蚀(汉语作为外语进行学习时)和对外汉语教学方法的影响。而对汉语磨蚀的深入研究,不但能使学习者在减少或停止使用汉语之后,保持基本的交际水平,而且对语言教学环节中的关键步骤的加强及相应的训练,均会有一定的指导意义。 本文在动态系统理论在二语习得领域取得的研究成果基础上,详细讨论了动态系统理论对汉语磨蚀以及汉语教学方法上的理论指导意义。研究者对美国某高校和某小学的对外汉语学习进行了调查研究,旨在通过问卷和访谈来探讨汉语磨蚀的表现特征,影响汉语磨蚀的内在因素和外在因素,以及汉语磨蚀和英语磨蚀的异同,从而掌握如何能把汉语磨蚀的程度降到最低。本研究还把某小学的对外汉语课堂教学作为个案研究,教师分别采取显性教学、隐性教学、显性教学和隐性教学互动结合三种不同... 

【文章页数】:116 页


Chapter 1 Introduction
    1.1 Research background and significance of the study
    1.2 Purposes of the study
    1.3 Outline of the study
Chapter 2 Literature Review
    2.1 Previous Studies
        2.1.1 Background of DST
        2.1.2 Language as a dynamic system
    2.2 The application of ?DST in SLA
        2.2.1 Initial States and butterfly effect
        2.2.2 Attractor States and fossilization
        2.2.3 Variation
        2.2.4 Non-linearity and language attrition
    2.3 A brief introduction of language attrition
        2.3.1 Definition of language attrition
        2.3.2 The first language attrition
        2.3.3 The second language attrition
    2.4 Summary
Chapter 3 Research Design
    3.1 Question Design of the study
    3.2 Methodology and Data collection
        3.2.1 Questionnaire
        3.2.2 Case study
Chapter 4 Data Analysis
    4.1 Chinese attrition as a foreign language
        4.1.1 The manifestation of Chinese attrition as a foreign language
        4.1.2 The external factors of Chinese attrition
        4.1.3 The internal factors of Chinese attrition
        4.1.4 The mutual interaction of external and internal factors
        4.1.5 The comparison of Chinese attrition and English attrition
    4.2 DST to foreign language teaching
        4.2.1 The interactive influence of the sub-systems of language
        4.2.2 The interactive influence of language learners
        4.2.3 Implicit and explicit instruction process
        4.2.4 Interactive influence of implicit and explicit process
    4.3 Case study
        4.3.1 Procedure of the experiment
        4.3.2 The analysis of the result
        4.3.3 Conclusion
    4.4 Summary
Chapter 5 Conclusion
    5.1 Main findings of the study
    5.2 Implications of the study
    5.3 Limitations of the study and suggestions for further research
Appendix Ⅰ
Appendix Ⅱ
Appendix Ⅲ

[1]语言学习与交互[J]. 王初明.  外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2008(06)
[2]外显知识与内隐知识的动态接口及其实现模式[J]. 杨烈祥.  中国外语. 2008(03)
[3]外语磨蚀的本质属性[J]. 倪传斌.  外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 2007(01)
[4]隐性知识、显性知识及其接口之争[J]. 顾琦一.  外语教学. 2005(06)
[5]二语习得的“显性”与“隐性”问题探讨[J]. 戴曼纯.  外国语言文学. 2005(02)
[6]语言耗损研究述评[J]. 蔡寒松,周榕.  心理科学. 2004(04)




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