发布时间:2022-10-29 16:57
新闻语篇是社会、政治世界的产物,尤其是政治性新闻。它对人们观念和态度的形成具有重要的作用。而批评语言学,也叫做批评语篇分析,是现代语言学研究的一个新分支。它主要就是通过对语篇的分析来研究语言,权势,意识形态三者之间的关系,因此越来越受人们的关注。以往的研究都是对大众语篇,法律语篇等进行的分析,相比大众新闻语篇,政治新闻语篇则能更明显的反映出各国统治阶级的意识形态,权势和语言的关系。因此本文应用批评分析理论对政治语篇进行了对比研究。 本文以批评话语分析为理论基础,对国际政治新闻这一新闻语篇的次语体从费尔克拉夫的三个阶段(即描述,阐释和说明阶段)进行对比分析。在描述阶段主要通过对及物性、情态和主位的选择三个方面的对比分析来发现其内在的意识形态的不同。在阐释和说明阶段通过对文本中的直接引语和间接引语、新闻的文本内容、新闻的出处来源和新闻所处的社会背景等几个角度的分析,说明了中外新闻报道的不同点及其对读者的影响。与此同时,为了弥补批评话语分析方法的不足,作者把批评隐喻分析也应用在论文中。因为虽然已经有一些学者从隐喻的角度来分析政治话语,但是关于政治话语中隐喻的对比研究还很少见。除此之外,...
【文章页数】:76 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
1. Introduction
1.1 Goal of the Present Study
1.2 Significance of the Present Study
1.3 Structure of the Present Study
2. Literature Review
2.1 The Development of CDA Abroad
2.2 The Development of CDA At Home
3. Theoretical Framework
3.1 Principles of CDA and Its Theoretical Foundation
3.2 Contents of CDA
3.2.1 Language and Power
3.2.2 Language and Ideology
3.3 Halliday's Three Metafunctions of Systemic-Functional Linguistics
3.3.1 Ideational Function
3.3.2 Interpersonal Function
3.3.3 Textual Function
3.4 Fairclough's Three-dimension Model
3.4.1 Three steps of the Model
3.4.2 Three Dimensions the Model
3.5 The Relationship between Three-Dimensional Framework and Three Metafunctions
4. A Comparative Analysis of News Reports
4.1 Research Design
4.1.1 Research Objective
4.1.2 News Data Collection
4.1.3 News Data Background
4.2 The Comparative Analysis of the Samples
4.2.1 The Comparative Analysis of the Descriptive Stage
4.2.2 The Comparative Analysis of the Interpretative Stage
4.2.3 The Comparative Analysis of the Explanative Stage
5. A supplementary Analysis of News Reports
5.1 A Comparative Analysis of Data by Using CMA
5.1.1 Comparative Analysis of Data on "Journey" Metaphors
5.1.2 Explanation of Data on "Journey" Metaphors
5.1.3 Comparative Analysis of Data on "Family" Metaphor
5.1.4 Explanation of Data on "Family" Metaphor
5.2 The Production of News by Reporter
5.2.1 News Schema
5.2.2 Reporter's Ideological Conformity
5.3 The Interpretation of News by Reader
5.3.1 Contextual Coherence
5.3.2 Cognitive Context
6. Conclusion
6.1 Findings of the Research
6.2 Suggestions for the Further Research
6.3 Limitation of the Present Study
[1]话语中的识解因素与语境[J]. 杨信彰. 外语教学与研究. 2003(02)
[2]批评语言学与英语新闻语篇的批评性分析[J]. 辛斌. 外语教学. 2000(04)
[3]图式理论与阅读教学[J]. 白靖宇. 山东外语教学. 2000(02)
[4]英语语篇的批评性分析刍议[J]. 辛斌. 四川外语学院学报. 1997(04)
[5]语言、权力与意识形态:批评语言学[J]. 辛斌. 现代外语. 1996(01)
[6]语篇与意识形态:批评性语将分析──对两条罢工新闻的分析[J]. 陈中竺. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 1995(03)
[7]批评语言学述评[J]. 陈中竺. 外语教学与研究. 1995(01)
[1]中美国家领导人讲话语篇对比分析[D]. 高珊.山东师范大学 2004
【文章页数】:76 页
Abstract in English
Abstract in Chinese
1. Introduction
1.1 Goal of the Present Study
1.2 Significance of the Present Study
1.3 Structure of the Present Study
2. Literature Review
2.1 The Development of CDA Abroad
2.2 The Development of CDA At Home
3. Theoretical Framework
3.1 Principles of CDA and Its Theoretical Foundation
3.2 Contents of CDA
3.2.1 Language and Power
3.2.2 Language and Ideology
3.3 Halliday's Three Metafunctions of Systemic-Functional Linguistics
3.3.1 Ideational Function
3.3.2 Interpersonal Function
3.3.3 Textual Function
3.4 Fairclough's Three-dimension Model
3.4.1 Three steps of the Model
3.4.2 Three Dimensions the Model
3.5 The Relationship between Three-Dimensional Framework and Three Metafunctions
4. A Comparative Analysis of News Reports
4.1 Research Design
4.1.1 Research Objective
4.1.2 News Data Collection
4.1.3 News Data Background
4.2 The Comparative Analysis of the Samples
4.2.1 The Comparative Analysis of the Descriptive Stage
4.2.2 The Comparative Analysis of the Interpretative Stage
4.2.3 The Comparative Analysis of the Explanative Stage
5. A supplementary Analysis of News Reports
5.1 A Comparative Analysis of Data by Using CMA
5.1.1 Comparative Analysis of Data on "Journey" Metaphors
5.1.2 Explanation of Data on "Journey" Metaphors
5.1.3 Comparative Analysis of Data on "Family" Metaphor
5.1.4 Explanation of Data on "Family" Metaphor
5.2 The Production of News by Reporter
5.2.1 News Schema
5.2.2 Reporter's Ideological Conformity
5.3 The Interpretation of News by Reader
5.3.1 Contextual Coherence
5.3.2 Cognitive Context
6. Conclusion
6.1 Findings of the Research
6.2 Suggestions for the Further Research
6.3 Limitation of the Present Study
[1]话语中的识解因素与语境[J]. 杨信彰. 外语教学与研究. 2003(02)
[2]批评语言学与英语新闻语篇的批评性分析[J]. 辛斌. 外语教学. 2000(04)
[3]图式理论与阅读教学[J]. 白靖宇. 山东外语教学. 2000(02)
[4]英语语篇的批评性分析刍议[J]. 辛斌. 四川外语学院学报. 1997(04)
[5]语言、权力与意识形态:批评语言学[J]. 辛斌. 现代外语. 1996(01)
[6]语篇与意识形态:批评性语将分析──对两条罢工新闻的分析[J]. 陈中竺. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 1995(03)
[7]批评语言学述评[J]. 陈中竺. 外语教学与研究. 1995(01)
[1]中美国家领导人讲话语篇对比分析[D]. 高珊.山东师范大学 2004