发布时间:2022-10-29 21:41
本论文运用言语行为理论等语用学理论结合礼貌原则对间接拒绝语进行了研究分析,文中对日常拒绝语的句子进行分析归纳,总结出人们经常出于礼貌而利用语言的间接性以及故意违背合作原则来间接实施拒绝这一言语行为的现象。 言语行为理论认为,人们在实施同一种言外行为的时候,可能会运用到不同的表达方法,而同一句话在实际交际中同时具有不同的功能,正是因为句子的多重功能性,人们在表达自己的想法时可以有托词和退路。间接拒绝正是设法制造出虽与语境有关,但表面上却毫不相干的语言信息,使听话人在处理信息时付出一定的努力才能揣摩出被拒绝的意义。有时候听话人也完全可以装作不理解说话人的意图来表达拒绝。由于语言的间接性与礼貌程度成正比,所以话说得越间接就越显得礼貌。日常交际中最常见的另外一种现象是,交际者故意违反某一准则,并让听话者体会到这一点。说话者处于自身的动机或某种理由,常常通过违反合作原则的某些准则,以产生特殊的会话含义,去让对方揣摩。其实这些违反合作原则的话语也在深层面上遵守着合作原则,受话者总是先要假设说话者也是在遵守原则,所说之话肯定和双方交际内容有关联,然后才进行推理得出说话者的言语本意。利奇礼貌原...
【文章页数】:58 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 About refusals and indirect refusals
1.1.1 The characteristics of refusals
1.1.2 The kinds of indirect refusals
1.1.3 The generation of indirect refusals
1.2 Significance of the study
1.3 Organization of the thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Previous studies abroad
2.2 Previous studies at home
2.2.1 Three layers of refusal speech act:Central Speech Act, Auxiliary Speech Act and Microunit
2.2.2 Refusal expressions based on sentential and contextual levels
2.2.3 Primary speech act and secondary speech act
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Indirect speech act theory
3.1.1 The disparity of form and function
3.1.2 The refusal function of other speech acts
3.2 The theory of conversational implicature and co-operational principles
3.3 Politeness theory and face-saving view
3.3.1 Leech's politeness principle
3.3.2 Brown & Levinson's face-saving theory Face Face-threatening acts
Chapter 4 Investigation Method
4.1 On the multiple-choice questionnaire
4.1.1 The Instrument of the design
4.1.2 The Subjects of the investigation
4.2 Appropriateness of the questionnaire design
Chpter 5 Results and discussion
5.1 Refusal strategies applying in the questionnaire responses according to the conventional classification
5.1.1 Direct refusals
5.1.2 Indirect refusals
5.1.3 Adjuncts
5.2 Data analysis
5.3 Discussions
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings:Deliberate violation of cooperative maxims to express indirect refusals
6.1.1 Violating Quantity Maxim to make refusals Insufficient information Oversupplied information
6.1.2 Violating Quality Maxim to make refusals Telling "lies" Applying to figures of speech
6.1.3 Violating Relation Maxim to make refusals
6.1.4 Violating Manner Maxim to make refusals
6.2 Limitations and expectation
[1]汉语间接否定拒绝句式“又不/没有”的语义背景和使用条件[J]. 张京鱼,刘加宁. 汉语学习. 2010(01)
[2]言语交际中违反合作原则的夸张现象[J]. 郑颖. 边疆经济与文化. 2010(01)
[3]浅析英汉语礼貌现象中的拒绝言语行为[J]. 高艳菊. 安徽文学(下半月). 2009(12)
[4]浅谈英语委婉语与礼貌原则[J]. 李华锋,朱卫志. 郧阳师范高等专科学校学报. 2009(06)
[5]中国英语学习者拒绝语中的语用迁移[J]. 曲晶. 北华大学学报(社会科学版). 2009(03)
[6]言语交际中违反合作原则的语用分析[J]. 黄玉明. 茂名学院学报. 2009(02)
[7]国内“拒绝”语研究综述[J]. 冯桂芹. 黄山学院学报. 2009(01)
[8]合作原则与礼貌原则在言语交际中的运用[J]. 陈昂. 科教文汇(上旬刊). 2009(02)
[9]违反合作原则的语言现象[J]. 李晓颖. 今日南国(理论创新版). 2008(12)
[10]浅谈言语交际中拒绝语义的表达技巧[J]. 刘金培. 河北广播电视大学学报. 2008(03)
[1]礼貌拒绝策略对比研究[D]. 刘伟萍.吉林大学 2004
[2]英汉拒绝言语策略对比研究[D]. 李家玉.安徽大学 2004
[3]汉英拒绝策略对比研究[D]. 董晓燕.曲阜师范大学 2004
[4]拒绝行为中的文化差异[D]. 谷慧娟.华东师范大学 2004
【文章页数】:58 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 About refusals and indirect refusals
1.1.1 The characteristics of refusals
1.1.2 The kinds of indirect refusals
1.1.3 The generation of indirect refusals
1.2 Significance of the study
1.3 Organization of the thesis
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1 Previous studies abroad
2.2 Previous studies at home
2.2.1 Three layers of refusal speech act:Central Speech Act, Auxiliary Speech Act and Microunit
2.2.2 Refusal expressions based on sentential and contextual levels
2.2.3 Primary speech act and secondary speech act
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Theoretical Framework
3.1 Indirect speech act theory
3.1.1 The disparity of form and function
3.1.2 The refusal function of other speech acts
3.2 The theory of conversational implicature and co-operational principles
3.3 Politeness theory and face-saving view
3.3.1 Leech's politeness principle
3.3.2 Brown & Levinson's face-saving theory Face Face-threatening acts
Chapter 4 Investigation Method
4.1 On the multiple-choice questionnaire
4.1.1 The Instrument of the design
4.1.2 The Subjects of the investigation
4.2 Appropriateness of the questionnaire design
Chpter 5 Results and discussion
5.1 Refusal strategies applying in the questionnaire responses according to the conventional classification
5.1.1 Direct refusals
5.1.2 Indirect refusals
5.1.3 Adjuncts
5.2 Data analysis
5.3 Discussions
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings:Deliberate violation of cooperative maxims to express indirect refusals
6.1.1 Violating Quantity Maxim to make refusals Insufficient information Oversupplied information
6.1.2 Violating Quality Maxim to make refusals Telling "lies" Applying to figures of speech
6.1.3 Violating Relation Maxim to make refusals
6.1.4 Violating Manner Maxim to make refusals
6.2 Limitations and expectation
[1]汉语间接否定拒绝句式“又不/没有”的语义背景和使用条件[J]. 张京鱼,刘加宁. 汉语学习. 2010(01)
[2]言语交际中违反合作原则的夸张现象[J]. 郑颖. 边疆经济与文化. 2010(01)
[3]浅析英汉语礼貌现象中的拒绝言语行为[J]. 高艳菊. 安徽文学(下半月). 2009(12)
[4]浅谈英语委婉语与礼貌原则[J]. 李华锋,朱卫志. 郧阳师范高等专科学校学报. 2009(06)
[5]中国英语学习者拒绝语中的语用迁移[J]. 曲晶. 北华大学学报(社会科学版). 2009(03)
[6]言语交际中违反合作原则的语用分析[J]. 黄玉明. 茂名学院学报. 2009(02)
[7]国内“拒绝”语研究综述[J]. 冯桂芹. 黄山学院学报. 2009(01)
[8]合作原则与礼貌原则在言语交际中的运用[J]. 陈昂. 科教文汇(上旬刊). 2009(02)
[9]违反合作原则的语言现象[J]. 李晓颖. 今日南国(理论创新版). 2008(12)
[10]浅谈言语交际中拒绝语义的表达技巧[J]. 刘金培. 河北广播电视大学学报. 2008(03)
[1]礼貌拒绝策略对比研究[D]. 刘伟萍.吉林大学 2004
[2]英汉拒绝言语策略对比研究[D]. 李家玉.安徽大学 2004
[3]汉英拒绝策略对比研究[D]. 董晓燕.曲阜师范大学 2004
[4]拒绝行为中的文化差异[D]. 谷慧娟.华东师范大学 2004