发布时间:2023-02-19 14:33
交替传译是一种十分复杂且特殊的动态交际过程。译员作为跨文化交际的桥梁,要根据交际场合的不同对语境、交际者、双语文化差异等因素有较强的认识能力,对于依据何种标准来选择合适的译本,学者们都进行过不同层次的讨论。本论文运用顺应理论,拟从新的视角解释交替传译过程,提出顺应理论在交替传译中的指导作用。 语言顺应理论是由国际语用学会秘书长Verschueren(比利时)在他的新著《语用学理解》(Understanding Pragmatics)中提出的,以一种新的视角来考察语言的使用。近年来,国内外学者对语用学与翻译的结合研究日趋增多,但是较优秀的研究成果除了《口译:选择、协商与顺应》为桂林电子科技大学马霞发表于2006年《中国翻译》外,少有研究将顺应理论与交替传译结合。 语用顺应论中提出语言具有变异性、协商性和顺应性三大特性的观点,指出语言选择的语境顺应,语言结构选择的顺应,顺应的动态性以及顺应的意识程度这四个研究角度。 结合顺应理论,文章主要探讨在口译这种复杂的动态的交际行为中,在不同的语境下,顺应的意识程度不同,语言结构特点不同如何选择合适的口译语言,并且深入的研究译者意识凸显性在口译过程中...
【文章页数】:57 页
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Studies on Interpreting Research (IR) in the West
2.1.1 Current Situation of Consecutive Interpreting Research
2.1.2 Main Features of Interpreting Studies
2.2 Current situation and main features of studies on Consecutive Interpreting Research (IR) in China
2.2.1 The process of IR development in China
2.2.2 Combination of foreign theories and our own practice
2.2.3 Trend of interpreting in China
Chapter Three The Adaptation Theory
3.1 The Adaptation Theory
3.1.1 Theoretical basis
3.1.2 Using Language is making choices
3.1.3 Three notions
3.1.4 Four coherent angles of investigation
3.2 The Application of the Adaptation Theory in the society and cross-cultural communication
3.2.1 The Adaptation Theory offers theoretical frameworkfor translation
3.2.2 Interpretation of Translation from the Adaptation Theory
Chapter Four The Application of Adaptation Theory In Consecutive Interpretation
4.1 The adaptation of Contextual correlates in Consecutive Interpreting
4.1.1 Contextual correlates of Adaptability
4.1.2 Contexts in Interpretation
4.1.3 Adaptation of Context in interpreting
4.2 Linguistic Adaptability in Consecutive Interpreting
4.2.1 Adaptation of Utterance-building ingredients
4.2.2 Adaptation of language, codes and styles
4.3 Dynamics of adaptability in Consecutive Interpreting
4.4 Salience of Adaptation Process in Consecutive Interpreting
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 Salience of adaptability in Interpreting Problems in the Receptive Aspects Problems in the Productive Aspects
Chapter Five Conclusion
【文章页数】:57 页
Chapter One Introduction
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Studies on Interpreting Research (IR) in the West
2.1.1 Current Situation of Consecutive Interpreting Research
2.1.2 Main Features of Interpreting Studies
2.2 Current situation and main features of studies on Consecutive Interpreting Research (IR) in China
2.2.1 The process of IR development in China
2.2.2 Combination of foreign theories and our own practice
2.2.3 Trend of interpreting in China
Chapter Three The Adaptation Theory
3.1 The Adaptation Theory
3.1.1 Theoretical basis
3.1.2 Using Language is making choices
3.1.3 Three notions
3.1.4 Four coherent angles of investigation
3.2 The Application of the Adaptation Theory in the society and cross-cultural communication
3.2.1 The Adaptation Theory offers theoretical frameworkfor translation
3.2.2 Interpretation of Translation from the Adaptation Theory
Chapter Four The Application of Adaptation Theory In Consecutive Interpretation
4.1 The adaptation of Contextual correlates in Consecutive Interpreting
4.1.1 Contextual correlates of Adaptability
4.1.2 Contexts in Interpretation
4.1.3 Adaptation of Context in interpreting
4.2 Linguistic Adaptability in Consecutive Interpreting
4.2.1 Adaptation of Utterance-building ingredients
4.2.2 Adaptation of language, codes and styles
4.3 Dynamics of adaptability in Consecutive Interpreting
4.4 Salience of Adaptation Process in Consecutive Interpreting
4.4.1 Introduction
4.4.2 Salience of adaptability in Interpreting Problems in the Receptive Aspects Problems in the Productive Aspects
Chapter Five Conclusion