发布时间:2023-05-25 04:40
拒绝语作为一种有趣的语言现象历来备受关注,国内外学者从不同的角度对其进行过专门的研究,比如从跨文化的角度,二语习得的角度,从语用学的角度,如言语行为理论,礼貌原则,顺应论等。以往的研究对拒绝语做出了较大的贡献,让我们从多方面认识了拒绝语的现象和本质,但是也还留下一些尚未解决的问题,如:为什么人们会选择不同的拒绝策略?被拒绝者怎样解读间接拒绝语义?怎样确保拒绝交际的成功?然而以往的研究主要是从拒绝者的角度出发,而忽略的被拒绝者的意义解读过程。 廖巧云提出的“合作·关联·顺应”模式综合了合作原则,关联理论和顺应论的优点,对各种语言现象更具有解释力和说服力。该模式指出合作是成功交际的先决条件,关联是成功交际的必要条件,顺应是成功交际的调节机制。要确保拒绝言语行为交际的成功,拒绝者和被拒绝者在意义生成和意义解读的过程中都需要合作,寻求最佳关联;同时顺应对方的物理世界、社会关系以及当时的心理动机和对方的性格特点等。我们认为,拒绝语是会话过程中交际一方针对对方的始发语,如要求、邀请、建议、命令、承诺和提供等做出的具有动态性的顺应双方认知能力,经验框架以及诸多语境性因素,同时寻求最佳关联的否定性回答...
【文章页数】:104 页
Chapter 1 Refusals and Previous Researches into Refusals
1.1 Definition and Characteristics of refusals
1.1.1 The definition of refusals
1.1.2 Characteristics of refusals
1.2 Classification of refusals
1.2.1 Semantic view
1.2.2 Classification of refusal strategies
1.3 Cross-culture study
1.4 Second language acquisition study
1.5 Pragmatics study
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 The three pragmatics theories
2.1.1 Cooperative Principle
2.1.2 Relevance Theory
2.1.3 Adaptation Theory
2.2 The C-R-A Model
2.2.1 The philosophical basis for the C-R-A Model
2.2.2 Brief view of the C-R-A Model
2.2.3 The Primary version of the C-R-A Model
2.2.4 The extended version of the C-R-A Model
Chapter 3 Analyzing Refusals with the C-R-A Model
3.1 The relationship among Cooperation,Relevance and Adaptation
3.2 Cooperation and Refusals
3.2.1 Cooperation between the refuser and the refusee
3.2.2 The ways of cooperation
3.3 Relevance and refusals
3.3.1 Cognitive assumption and refusals
3.3.2 Optimal relevance and refusals
3.3.3 The refusee's inference
3.4 Adaptation and refusals
3.4.1 Adapting to language users
3.4.2 Adapting to the mental world Adapting to Personality Adapting to intention
3.4.3 Adapting to the social world
3.4.4 Adapting to the physical world
Chapter 4 Refusal Generative Mechanism
4.1 The refuser's meaning production
4.2 The refusee's meaning interpretation
【文章页数】:104 页
Chapter 1 Refusals and Previous Researches into Refusals
1.1 Definition and Characteristics of refusals
1.1.1 The definition of refusals
1.1.2 Characteristics of refusals
1.2 Classification of refusals
1.2.1 Semantic view
1.2.2 Classification of refusal strategies
1.3 Cross-culture study
1.4 Second language acquisition study
1.5 Pragmatics study
Chapter 2 Theoretical Framework
2.1 The three pragmatics theories
2.1.1 Cooperative Principle
2.1.2 Relevance Theory
2.1.3 Adaptation Theory
2.2 The C-R-A Model
2.2.1 The philosophical basis for the C-R-A Model
2.2.2 Brief view of the C-R-A Model
2.2.3 The Primary version of the C-R-A Model
2.2.4 The extended version of the C-R-A Model
Chapter 3 Analyzing Refusals with the C-R-A Model
3.1 The relationship among Cooperation,Relevance and Adaptation
3.2 Cooperation and Refusals
3.2.1 Cooperation between the refuser and the refusee
3.2.2 The ways of cooperation
3.3 Relevance and refusals
3.3.1 Cognitive assumption and refusals
3.3.2 Optimal relevance and refusals
3.3.3 The refusee's inference
3.4 Adaptation and refusals
3.4.1 Adapting to language users
3.4.2 Adapting to the mental world Adapting to Personality Adapting to intention
3.4.3 Adapting to the social world
3.4.4 Adapting to the physical world
Chapter 4 Refusal Generative Mechanism
4.1 The refuser's meaning production
4.2 The refusee's meaning interpretation