发布时间:2023-10-02 02:19
在汉语词语中,词群是以一个中心字为形式标志,和其它词进行搭配后形成的词范畴。这个词范畴是在家族相似性的基础上建立起来的,其成员是意义相关或相近,形式统一,结构整齐的词或短语。例如:词群“领”:灰领,白领,金领等等。随着科技的发展、社会的不断进步,越来越多的词语以词群的形式出现。本文以汉语词群为研究对象,运用词汇学、语义学、社会语言学、认知语言学等理论,对其构成方式、产生的原因、意义成因机理以及在对外汉语教学领域的应用等方面进行到了较为系统的研究。 汉语词群中的成员可以是词,也可以是短语。成员之间必须具有共同的词素,我们称之为中心字。这些中心字主要来自基本范畴。由于中心字是汉语词群的形式标志,我们把词素作为一项重要内容纳入到本文的研究当中来。这样的研究视角有利于我们对汉语词群进行深入的剖析和研究。传统的词语分析方法强调词语搭配的合理性,组合的逻辑性,关注词语之间形式搭配的逻辑关系。这无疑忽略了人在词语构成及其意义理解方面的作用。本文研究表明汉语词群的构成及其意义成因与人的认知机制密切相关。概念是人们对客观世界范畴化后的心智表征,通常以词的形式出现。词群的构成是中心字与其它词语概念之间相互...
【文章页数】:96 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Researching subject and objectives
1.3 Researching methodology and data collection
1.4 Organization of this thesis
Chapter 2 Overview of the Studies on Word Meaning
2.1 Traditional study on word meaning
2.1.1 Naming theory
2.1.2 Meaning and reference
2.1.3 Semantic triangle
2.1.4 Componential analysis
2.1.5 Summary
2.2 Cognitive study on word meaning
2.2.1 Cognitive linguistics
2.2.2 Cognitive view of word meaning
2.2.3 Cognitive linguistics in Chinese study
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundation of This Thesis
3.1 Categorization and prototype
3.2 Image schema
3.3 Metonymy and metaphor
3.4 Conceptual blending theory (CB)
3.4.1 Key Notions
3.4.2 The Model of Conceptual Blending
3.4.3 Optimality Principles
Chapter 4 Formation of Chinese Word Groups
4.1 Characteristics of Chinese language
4.2 Description of Chinese word groups
4.3 Headwords in word groups
4.4 Word group formation
4.4.1 Cognitive mechanism of word formation
4.4.2 Cognitive mechanism of word group formation
4.5 Motivation for the appearance of word groups
4.5.1 The requirement of social development
4.5.2 Influence from western language
Chapter 5 Meaning Analysis of Chinese Word Groups
5.1 The meaning of a headword
5.1.1 Basic meaning
5.1.2 Extended meaning
5.2 Features of the headword’s meaning
5.2.1 Entrenched
5.2.2 Dynamic
5.2.3 Schematic
5.3 Semantic networks in word groups
5.3.1 Concatenation
5.3.2 Radiation
5.3.3 A compound model
5.4 Meaning analysis of word groups
5.4.1 Cognitive mechanism of a headword’s meaning extension
5.4.2 Cognitive mechanism of meaning production of word groups
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion
【文章页数】:96 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background
1.2 Researching subject and objectives
1.3 Researching methodology and data collection
1.4 Organization of this thesis
Chapter 2 Overview of the Studies on Word Meaning
2.1 Traditional study on word meaning
2.1.1 Naming theory
2.1.2 Meaning and reference
2.1.3 Semantic triangle
2.1.4 Componential analysis
2.1.5 Summary
2.2 Cognitive study on word meaning
2.2.1 Cognitive linguistics
2.2.2 Cognitive view of word meaning
2.2.3 Cognitive linguistics in Chinese study
2.3 Summary
Chapter 3 Theoretical Foundation of This Thesis
3.1 Categorization and prototype
3.2 Image schema
3.3 Metonymy and metaphor
3.4 Conceptual blending theory (CB)
3.4.1 Key Notions
3.4.2 The Model of Conceptual Blending
3.4.3 Optimality Principles
Chapter 4 Formation of Chinese Word Groups
4.1 Characteristics of Chinese language
4.2 Description of Chinese word groups
4.3 Headwords in word groups
4.4 Word group formation
4.4.1 Cognitive mechanism of word formation
4.4.2 Cognitive mechanism of word group formation
4.5 Motivation for the appearance of word groups
4.5.1 The requirement of social development
4.5.2 Influence from western language
Chapter 5 Meaning Analysis of Chinese Word Groups
5.1 The meaning of a headword
5.1.1 Basic meaning
5.1.2 Extended meaning
5.2 Features of the headword’s meaning
5.2.1 Entrenched
5.2.2 Dynamic
5.2.3 Schematic
5.3 Semantic networks in word groups
5.3.1 Concatenation
5.3.2 Radiation
5.3.3 A compound model
5.4 Meaning analysis of word groups
5.4.1 Cognitive mechanism of a headword’s meaning extension
5.4.2 Cognitive mechanism of meaning production of word groups
5.5 Summary
Chapter 6 Conclusion