发布时间:2023-10-29 11:28
隐喻是与我们日常生活密切相关的语言现象,历来是语言学家研究的焦点。传统隐喻研究以形式逻辑为主,认为隐喻是一种语言现象,是与字面语言有明确区别的形象语言。然而,认知理论认为隐喻首先是一种思维现象,隐喻在日常会话中无处不在,语言隐喻实际上是概念隐喻在语言中的体现。随着脑影像技术的飞速发展,研究人员将视角转向隐喻认知神经机制的研究。近二十年来,国外学者试图用ERP(Event-related Potential)或fMRI(functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging)等先进技术手段来考察隐喻认知的神经机制,以便更加深入地探讨人类语言与思维的关系这一传统问题。 隐喻的认知加工过程在言语理解领域中得到越来越多研究者的关注,然而对于隐喻的内在加工过程仍存在不一致的看法,例如对隐喻的脑加工部位还存在着‘右脑说’、‘左脑说’以及‘全脑说’。隐喻的实验室研究,主要以西方研究者、西方语言材料占主体,如英语、法语和西班牙语等。中文隐喻的语言学研究取得了丰硕的成果,并且中文隐喻的实验室研究也慢慢成熟起来,一些中国学者相继开始汉语隐喻的实验室研究。 本文试图采用生理电研究方法,以...
【文章页数】:76 页
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Literature Review on Metaphor
2.1 Definition of metaphor and modern approaches to metaphor
2.1.1 Definition
2.1.2 Modern approaches to metaphor
2.2 Studies on the neural mechanism of metaphorical cognition
2.2.1 Asymmetrical phenomena of physiology and function of human brain
2.2.2 The neural mechanisms of brain region for metaphor processing
2.2.3 ERP research on Chinese metaphor
2.3 Bilingual representation
2.4 Giora's Graded Salience Hypothesis
2.5 A brief introduction of ERPs
2.5.1 Introduction of ERPs
2.5.2 Components of ERPs
Chapter 3. Methodology
3.1 A brief introduction of E-Prime
3.2 The Basic system components of Neuroscan
3.3 Materials
3.3.1 Stimuli selection
3.3.2 Process of stimuli selection
3.4 Experimental procedures
3.4.1 Participants
3.4.2 Stimuli
3.4.3 Procedure
3.4.4 EEG recording
3.5 Off-line data analysis and processing
3.6 Results
3.6.1 Behavioral results
3.6.2 Paired sample t-test of familiarity degree
3.6.3 Event-related potentials
Chapter 4. Analysis and Discussion
4.1 N400
4.2 The asymmetrical phenomenon between these two hemispheres
4.3 Dynamic model of metaphor processing
4.4 Affect of familiarity degree on language processing
Chapter 5.Conclusion
附录A 被试信息采集
附录B 实验语料
【文章页数】:76 页
Chapter 1. Introduction
Chapter 2. Literature Review on Metaphor
2.1 Definition of metaphor and modern approaches to metaphor
2.1.1 Definition
2.1.2 Modern approaches to metaphor
2.2 Studies on the neural mechanism of metaphorical cognition
2.2.1 Asymmetrical phenomena of physiology and function of human brain
2.2.2 The neural mechanisms of brain region for metaphor processing
2.2.3 ERP research on Chinese metaphor
2.3 Bilingual representation
2.4 Giora's Graded Salience Hypothesis
2.5 A brief introduction of ERPs
2.5.1 Introduction of ERPs
2.5.2 Components of ERPs
Chapter 3. Methodology
3.1 A brief introduction of E-Prime
3.2 The Basic system components of Neuroscan
3.3 Materials
3.3.1 Stimuli selection
3.3.2 Process of stimuli selection
3.4 Experimental procedures
3.4.1 Participants
3.4.2 Stimuli
3.4.3 Procedure
3.4.4 EEG recording
3.5 Off-line data analysis and processing
3.6 Results
3.6.1 Behavioral results
3.6.2 Paired sample t-test of familiarity degree
3.6.3 Event-related potentials
Chapter 4. Analysis and Discussion
4.1 N400
4.2 The asymmetrical phenomenon between these two hemispheres
4.3 Dynamic model of metaphor processing
4.4 Affect of familiarity degree on language processing
Chapter 5.Conclusion
附录A 被试信息采集
附录B 实验语料