发布时间:2024-01-29 19:13
动结式在汉语中分布广泛,几乎所有表示动作的单音节动词和表示状态变化的单音节形容词都能构成动结式。从句法上讲,汉语动结式是由表示动作的谓语动词加上表示结果的补语构成的一种句式;从语义上说,汉语动结式表示一个由活动次事件和结果次事件构成的复杂事件。 Goldberg (1995; 2004)认为所有可接受的英语动结式都遵循语义一致原则,动结式的致事论元只能和与它语义相融的动词的有灵施事论元熔合。但是汉语语料显示,汉语动结式的主语不局限于有灵施事,据此我们相信汉语动结式并没有完全遵守语义一致原则,所以有必要对汉语动结式中致事论元的实现方式进行研究。因此,本文采用Goldberg提出的构式语法为理论框架,以狭义的动结式为研究对象,探讨了汉语动结式中致事论元(causer)的实现原则以及这一实现原则在分析歧义动结式中的运用问题。 本文可分为五个部分: 第一章首先界定动结式的概念,说明研究对象。本文的研究对象仅限于狭义动结式,在命名方面和英语动结式一致采用“resultative construction”,并与“resultatives”交叉使用。本章的最后部分介绍了研究意义和论文结构。 第二章...
【文章页数】:90 页
List of Figure
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Introductory Remarks
1.2 Defining Resultatives
1.2.1 English Resultatives
1.2.2 Chinese Resultatives
1.3 Research Scope
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Valency Grammar Approach
2.2.1 A Bottom-up Analysis
2.2.2 A Top-down Analysis
2.3 Cognitive Grammar Approach
2.3.1 Shen Jiaxuan’s and Song Wenhui’s Study
2.3.2 Xiong Zhongru’s Study
2.4 Construction Grammar Approach
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Goldberg’s Construction Grammar
3.2.1 Definitions of Construction
3.2.2 The Nature of Constructional Meaning
3.2.3 The Integration of Verb and Construction
3.2.4 The Existence of a Resultative Construction
3.2.5 The Semantics of the English Resultative and FAR
3.3 Hypothesis for Realization of Causer in Chinese Resultatives
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Realization of Causer Argument in Chinese Resultatives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Preliminary Preparation
4.2.1 Verb Classification
4.2.2 Patient/Theme and Causer
4.3 Classification of Chinese Resultatives
4.4 Realization of Causer Argument in Chinese Causative Resultatives
4.4.1 Chinese Agentive Causative Resultatives
4.4.2 Chinese Non-Agentive Causative Resultatives
4.4.3 Inverted Chinese Resultatives
4.4.4 Realization of Causer Argument
4.4.5 Ambiguous Chinese Causative Resulative Sentences
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Findings and Results
5.2 Limitation and Future Work
【文章页数】:90 页
List of Figure
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Introductory Remarks
1.2 Defining Resultatives
1.2.1 English Resultatives
1.2.2 Chinese Resultatives
1.3 Research Scope
1.4 Significance of the Study
1.5 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Valency Grammar Approach
2.2.1 A Bottom-up Analysis
2.2.2 A Top-down Analysis
2.3 Cognitive Grammar Approach
2.3.1 Shen Jiaxuan’s and Song Wenhui’s Study
2.3.2 Xiong Zhongru’s Study
2.4 Construction Grammar Approach
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three Theoretical Framework
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Goldberg’s Construction Grammar
3.2.1 Definitions of Construction
3.2.2 The Nature of Constructional Meaning
3.2.3 The Integration of Verb and Construction
3.2.4 The Existence of a Resultative Construction
3.2.5 The Semantics of the English Resultative and FAR
3.3 Hypothesis for Realization of Causer in Chinese Resultatives
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four Realization of Causer Argument in Chinese Resultatives
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Preliminary Preparation
4.2.1 Verb Classification
4.2.2 Patient/Theme and Causer
4.3 Classification of Chinese Resultatives
4.4 Realization of Causer Argument in Chinese Causative Resultatives
4.4.1 Chinese Agentive Causative Resultatives
4.4.2 Chinese Non-Agentive Causative Resultatives
4.4.3 Inverted Chinese Resultatives
4.4.4 Realization of Causer Argument
4.4.5 Ambiguous Chinese Causative Resulative Sentences
4.5 Summary
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Findings and Results
5.2 Limitation and Future Work