发布时间:2024-04-14 05:58
20世纪80年代,学术界一致认为世界上所有语言的结构都出自于四种句法树:SVO、SOV、VOS和OVS。Kayne(1994)在其专著《句法的反对称性》中指出这四种句法树对应的线性顺序是一致的。他认为人类语言的句法结构都属于一种线性顺序:指示语+中心语+补语。短语可以通过句法移位来改变原有线性顺序,得到新的线性顺序。Moro(2000)则认为不同的线性顺序是将立体的层次结构压缩成线性顺序,而非通过语法移位实现。由此,他提出了反对称理论的一个弱化版本,即动态反对称理论。该理论认为四种树形结构并非一种树形结构的不同变体,而是四种具有各自特征并代表不同线性顺序的独立的句法树。 本文针对这一争论进行了一项与四种句法结构相关的实证研究。随机抽取了20名被试参加了此次实验。他们需要判断屏幕上出现的日语句子是否和日语SOV的语法结构一致。共有252个句子,被分为三组。第一组材料有84个正确的日语句子,代表第二种句法树,也就是SOV结构;第二组材料包括84个错误的日语句子,属于第三和第四种句法树,即VOS和OVS结构;第三组材料包含84个错误的日语句子,代表另外两种句法结构,即VSO和OSV。句子的分...
【文章页数】:97 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Objectives of the Study
1.3 Significance of the Study
1.4 Layout of the Study
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Antisymmetry
2.2 Dynamic Antisymmetry
2.2.1 Nominal Copular Sentences
2.2.2 Causative Constructions
2.3 Four Syntactic Trees
2.3.1 Antisymmetry and Four Syntactic Trees
2.3.2 Dynamic Antisymmetry and Four Syntactic Trees
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three An Empirical Study on the Fourth Tree Diagrams in the Light of E-Prime
3.1 Experimental Technique
3.1.1 A Brief Introduction of E-Prime
3.1.2 Other Experimental Techniques
3.2 Experimental Subjects
3.3 Experimental Materials
3.4 The Design of the Experiment
3.5 Operation Procedures of the Experiment
3.6 Analysis of Experimental Data
3.6.1 Paired-Samples T Test of Subjects' Response Time
3.6.2 Analysis on Mean Time of Correct Responses and Response Accuracy
3.7 Summary
Chapter Four Conclusion
4.1 Major Findings of the Study
4.2 Implications of the Study
4.3 Limitations of the Study
4.4 Prospects for Further Research
【文章页数】:97 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Objectives of the Study
1.3 Significance of the Study
1.4 Layout of the Study
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Antisymmetry
2.2 Dynamic Antisymmetry
2.2.1 Nominal Copular Sentences
2.2.2 Causative Constructions
2.3 Four Syntactic Trees
2.3.1 Antisymmetry and Four Syntactic Trees
2.3.2 Dynamic Antisymmetry and Four Syntactic Trees
2.4 Summary
Chapter Three An Empirical Study on the Fourth Tree Diagrams in the Light of E-Prime
3.1 Experimental Technique
3.1.1 A Brief Introduction of E-Prime
3.1.2 Other Experimental Techniques
3.2 Experimental Subjects
3.3 Experimental Materials
3.4 The Design of the Experiment
3.5 Operation Procedures of the Experiment
3.6 Analysis of Experimental Data
3.6.1 Paired-Samples T Test of Subjects' Response Time
3.6.2 Analysis on Mean Time of Correct Responses and Response Accuracy
3.7 Summary
Chapter Four Conclusion
4.1 Major Findings of the Study
4.2 Implications of the Study
4.3 Limitations of the Study
4.4 Prospects for Further Research