发布时间:2024-06-04 18:42
交际是人类最普遍的社会现象之一,无论是物质生活,还是社会精神生活,人们都离不开相互接触,离不开交际。所以说,运用语言进行交际是人类最基本,最重要的一种生存能力和社会行为。而准确地理解语言是交际正常进行的前提条件。因此,在日常交际中,语言理解的过程是非常重要的。这是因为人类是一种复杂的动物,人类的思维难以琢磨,而我们要生存,每天都需要和人进行交际。在交际中,时刻都在进行着从说话人到听话人的角色的转变。因此,能否准确的理解说话人的含义就显得更加重要了。所以,本文将选择话语理解作为研究对象进行研究。从心理学的角度,运用问题解决理论来进行研究。 问题解决是人类思维活动的一种普遍形式,长期以来受到了广泛的关注。要研究问题解决,首先要明确什么是问题。按照现代认知心理学的理解,问题就是指在给定的信息和目标状态之间有某些障碍需要加以克服的情境。具体来说,当一个人希望达到某一个目标,但又没有可以供使用的现成方法时,这个人就面临一个问题。而问题解决是一系列的有目的指向性的认知操作活动过程。这是认知心理学家公认的问题解决定义。近年来,该理论在教学领域已引起了相当的重视,并且已与数学,体育等学科形成了密切的联...
【文章页数】:78 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The Object of the Present Research
1.2 The Rationale of the Research
1.3 Unsolved Problems in the Existing Studies
1.4 The Objective of the Study
1.5 Procedure and Data Collection
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Pragmatic Approach
2.2.1 Review from Three Theories
2.2.2 Review from Context
2.3 Ethics Approach
2.4 Education Approach
2.5 The Present Research Approach
2.6 Summary
Chapter Three Problem-solving Theory
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Basic Concepts
3.2.1 The Definition of Problem
3.2.2 The Definition of Problem-solving
3.3 The Development of Problem Solving Theory
3.3.1 The Early Study of Problem-solving Theory
3.3.2 The Problem Solving Study after Cognitive Revolution
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four The Theoretical Framework
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Basic Models of Problem-solving Theory
4.2.1 The Model of David Ausubel
4.2.2 Glass Model
4.2.3 Information Processing Model
4.3 The Model for Utterance Interpretation by Adopting Problem-solving Theory
4.3.1 The Stage of Identifying Problems
4.3.2 The Stage of Analyzing Problems
4.3.3 The Stage of Making Hypothesis
4.3.4 Testing Hypothesis Stage
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Language Materials Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Identifying Problems
5.3 Analyzing Problems
5.4 Making Hypothesis
5.4.1 The Use of Means-ends Strategy
5.4.2 The Stage of Making Hypothesis
5.4.3 The Use of Other Strategies
5.5 Hypothesis Testing
5.6 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Major Findings
6.3 Limitations
6.4 Suggestions for Further Study
【文章页数】:78 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 The Object of the Present Research
1.2 The Rationale of the Research
1.3 Unsolved Problems in the Existing Studies
1.4 The Objective of the Study
1.5 Procedure and Data Collection
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Pragmatic Approach
2.2.1 Review from Three Theories
2.2.2 Review from Context
2.3 Ethics Approach
2.4 Education Approach
2.5 The Present Research Approach
2.6 Summary
Chapter Three Problem-solving Theory
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Basic Concepts
3.2.1 The Definition of Problem
3.2.2 The Definition of Problem-solving
3.3 The Development of Problem Solving Theory
3.3.1 The Early Study of Problem-solving Theory
3.3.2 The Problem Solving Study after Cognitive Revolution
3.4 Summary
Chapter Four The Theoretical Framework
4.1 Introduction
4.2 The Basic Models of Problem-solving Theory
4.2.1 The Model of David Ausubel
4.2.2 Glass Model
4.2.3 Information Processing Model
4.3 The Model for Utterance Interpretation by Adopting Problem-solving Theory
4.3.1 The Stage of Identifying Problems
4.3.2 The Stage of Analyzing Problems
4.3.3 The Stage of Making Hypothesis
4.3.4 Testing Hypothesis Stage
4.4 Summary
Chapter Five Language Materials Analysis
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Identifying Problems
5.3 Analyzing Problems
5.4 Making Hypothesis
5.4.1 The Use of Means-ends Strategy
5.4.2 The Stage of Making Hypothesis
5.4.3 The Use of Other Strategies
5.5 Hypothesis Testing
5.6 Summary
Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Major Findings
6.3 Limitations
6.4 Suggestions for Further Study