发布时间:2017-06-06 17:20
【摘要】:恭维语(compliment language)在言语行为的研究中具有举足轻重的地位。很多专家、学者曾对恭维语的语言公式、称赞话题、策略以及跨文化差异和性别间差异进行过研究,并取得了很大的成绩。然而,这些研究的理论基础较为单一,主要在两大理论的指导下进行,即言语行为理论和礼貌理论,因此必然导致研究结果的单一性。即便如此,他们的研究成果也为本文的分析奠定了基础。 本文尝试在一个新的理论框架——评价理论(the AppraisalFramework)下对英汉恭维语进行分类和对比研究。评价理论是系统功能语言学家马丁(J?R?Martin)在二十世纪九十年代初提出的,发展至今已形成一个描述和解释语言使用的理论体系。以往对人际意义的研究仅限于语法范畴,不能清楚地说明说话者的态度。而马丁提出的评价理论正是弥补了这一缺失,从情感,判断,鉴赏能力等角度对“态度”这个研究得较为薄弱的人际意义范畴进行了系统的分类和处理。 评价理论可分为三个子体系,即态度(Attitude)、级次(Graduation)和介入(Engagement)。态度指说话人以个人情感或社会价值体系为依据所表达的对人或事的评价;级次表现话语的语气是强还是弱,语言是模糊还是鲜明;介入描述说话人以何种方式表达个人与他人和事物的关系,从而表现他在话语中的投入程度。本文将以其中的两个子体系——态度和级次为理论框架,在此框架下结合恭维语的特点创造一个全新的“恭维语态度框架”(Attitudinal Compliment Framework)。 在本研究中,笔者通过问卷调查收集来的700 条中英文语料,逐条在“恭维语态度框架”下进行标注和分类,从而建立了一个中英恭维语
- Acknowledgements2-4
- Synopsis in Chinese4-6
- Contents6-10
- Abbreviations10-12
- Charts and Tables12-15
- Chapter 1 Introduction15-21
- 1.1 Compliments: the Issue15-17
- 1.2 This Thesis: a New Attempt17-18
- 1.3 Research Method Adopted18-19
- 1.4 Organization of the Present Thesis19-21
- Chapter 2 Theoretical Background: The Appraisal Framework21-38
- 2.1 An Overview of the Appraisal Framework21-24
- 2.2 Three Sub-theories of Appraisal24-27
- 2.2.1 Attitude24
- 2.2.2 Engagement24-26
- 2.2.3 Graduation26-27
- 2.3 The Subsystems Adopted: a More Detailed Description27-38
- 2.3.1 The System of Affect28-30
- 2.3.2 The System of Judgment30-32
- 2.3.3 The System of Appreciation32-35
- 2.3.4 Grading Attitudes35-38
- Chapter 3 Literature Review on Appraisal Framework and Compliments38-51
- 3.1 Studies on Appraisal38-42
- 3.1.1 Appraisal Applied to Media Discourse39-41
- 3.1.2 Appraisal Applied to Autobiography and SLA41-42
- 3.1.3 Relevance to the Present Study42
- 3.2 Studies on Compliments42-48
- 3.2.1 Compliment Formulas43-45
- 3.2.2 Compliment Topic45
- 3.2.3 Compliment as a Gender-preferential Strategy45-46
- 3.2.4 Compliment Research Theories46-47
- 3.2.5 Relevance to the Present Study47-48
- 3.3 Theoretical Construct of the Present Research: Attitudinal Compliment Framework (ACF)48-51
- 3.3.1 Attitudinal Compliment Scheme: a Major Resource48-49
- 3.3.2 Force Continuum: an Attendant Resource49-51
- Chapter 4 Research Questions and Methodology51-59
- 4.1 The Present Research Question: Compliments under the Appraisal Framework51-52
- 4.2 Subjects52-53
- 4.3 Instruments and Materials53-54
- 4.4 Research Procedures54-59
- 4.4.1 Data Collection55-56
- 4.4.2 Data Coding56-59
- Chapter 5 Compliment in English59-80
- 5.1 Thoughts on the Classification of Compliments59-60
- 5.1.1 A Single Compliment and a Complex Compliment59-60
- 5.1.2 Exclusion of Non-compliment60
- 5.2 Attitudinal Compliment Framework of English60-74
- 5.2.1 Attitudinal Compliment Scheme61-71
- Affect61-65
- Judgement65-68
- Appreciation68-71
- 5.2.2 Force Continuum71-74
- Functional-word Force Continuum72-73
- Lexical-word Force Continuum73-74
- 5.3 Data Distribution74-80
- 5.3.1 Data of Attitudinal Compliment Scheme: a Total Sketch74-77
- 5.3.2 Data of Attitudinal Compliment Scheme: across Genders77-78
- 5.3.3 Data Distribution of Force Continuum78-80
- Chapter 6 Compliment in Chinese80-97
- 6.1 Attitudinal Compliment Framework of Chinese80-91
- 6.1.1 Attitudinal Compliment Scheme80-89
- Affect80-84
- Judgement84-88
- Appreciation88-89
- 6.1.2 Force Continuum89-91
- Functional-word Force Continuum90
- Lexical-word Force Continuum90-91
- 6.2 Data Distribution91-97
- 6.2.1 Data of Attitudinal Compliment Scheme: a Total Sketch91-94
- 6.2.2 Data of Attitudinal Compliment Scheme: across Genders94-95
- 6.2.3 Data Distribution of Force Continuum95-97
- Chapter 7 A Contrastive Study of English Compliments and Compliments in the Appraisal Framework97-121
- 7.1 Cross-group Comparison97-101
- 7.1.1 Attitudinal Compliment Scheme Comparison97-100
- 7.1.2 Functional-word Force Continuum Comparison100-101
- 7.2 Cross-gender Comparison101-106
- 7.2.1 Attitudinal Compliment Scheme Comparison101-105
- 7.2.2 Functional-word Force Continuum Comparison105-106
- 7.3 Further findings: Some Common Features of Compliment Language106-107
- 7.4 Discussion on the Major Findings107-115
- 7.4.1 Discussion of the Data Distribution: across Groups108-113
- Discussion about Attitudinal Compliment Scheme108-111
- Discussions about Functional-word Force Continuum111-113
- 7.4.2 Discussion of the Data Distribution: across Genders113-115
- 7.5 A Case Study of English and Chinese Compliment Language115-121
- Chapter 8 Conclusion121-128
- 8.1 Summary of the Present Research and Major Findings121-124
- 8.1.1 Compliment: a Classification from the Perspective of Functional Grammar122-123
- 8.1.2 A Contrastive Study of English and Chinese Compliment under the Appraisal Framework123-124
- 8.1.3 A Case Study124
- 8.2 Significance of the Research124-125
- 8.2.1 Theoretical Implications124-125
- 8.2.2 Empirical Significance125
- 8.3 Limitations of the Present Research and Prospects for Future Work125-128
- Bibliography128-134
- Appendix Ⅰ: English Questionnaire134-138
- Appendix Ⅱ: Chinese Questionnaire138-141
- Appendix Ⅲ: Results of Part Two of the Questionnaire141
中国期刊全文数据库 前2条
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2 徐艳梅;;The Appraisal Theory and Translation of Appraisal Verbs(I) Attitude[J];科技信息;2010年03期
中国硕士学位论文全文数据库 前10条
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2 田芬;汉英硬新闻评判系统对比分析[D];山东大学;2010年
3 许丽莎;英汉约会广告语篇评价资源对比分析[D];东北农业大学;2011年
4 徐灵香;杜甫诗歌英译的评价之态度系统分析[D];江西师范大学;2011年
5 王丽媛;汉语“感谢”言语行为研究[D];广西师范大学;2007年
6 冯彦;英语商业广告语篇中的评价资源研究[D];吉林大学;2008年
7 徐艳梅;论评价动词的翻译[D];江西师范大学;2008年
8 刘叶琳;评价理论在童话翻译中的应用[D];南华大学;2010年
9 袁萃;评价理论视角下的电视相亲节目男女话语态度分析[D];暨南大学;2012年
10 蒋艺;英语公益广告评价资源的劝说效果研究[D];广西大学;2012年