更多相关文章: 转喻 间接回指 理想化认知模型 先行项 回指项
【关键词】:转喻 间接回指 理想化认知模型 先行项 回指项
- 摘要5-6
- Abstract6-10
- Chapter 1 Introduction10-18
- 1.1 Background of the Study11
- 1.2 Significance and Purpose of the Study11-13
- 1.3 Wtem and Chinese Research13-15
- 1.3.1 Western Research13-14
- 1.3.2 Chinese Research14-15
- 1.4 Methodology of the Study15-16
- 1.5 Organization of the Study16-18
- Chapter 2 Relevant Concepts18-34
- 2.1 Metonymy18-22
- 2.1.1 Development of Metonymy Theory19-20
- 2.1.2 Cognitive Principles of Metonymy20-22
- Contiguity Principle20-21
- Relative Salience Principle21-22
- Accessibility Principle22
- 2.2 Indirect Anaphora22-28
- 2.2.1 Definition22-24
- 2.2.2 Features24-28
- 2.3 ICM28-34
- 2.3.1 Definition29
- 2.3.2 Features29-31
- 2.3.3 Stuctural Principles31-34
- Chapter 3 Categories of Indirect Anaphora in Perspective of Metonymy34-49
- 3.1 Basis of Classification of Indirect Anaphora from the Perspective if Metonymy35-39
- 3.1.1 The Whole and the Part Mapping of Indirect Anaphora36-37
- 3.1.2 The Part and the Part Mapping of Indirect Anaphora37-39
- 3.2 Categories of Indirect Anaphora from the Perspective of Metonymy39-49
- 3.2.1 Types of Indirect Anaphora Based on the Relationship between the Whole andthe Part39-44
- Radiation Indirect Anaphora39-40
- Presupposition Indirect Anaphora40-42
- Hyponymy Indirect Anaphora42-44
- 3.2.2 Types of Indirect Anaphora Based on the Relationship between the Part and thePart44-49
- Contiguity Indirect Anaphora44-46
- Causality Indirect Anaphora46-47
- Foreground and Background Indirect Anaphora47-49
- Chapter 4 Interpretation of Indirect Anaphora from the Perspective ofMetonymy49-68
- 4.1 Influential Factors of the Interpretation of Indirect Anaphora from the Perspective ofMetonymy50-54
- 4.1.1 Relevance Degree50-51
- 4.1.2 Discourse Distance51-53
- 4.1.3 Cognitive Context53-54
- 4.2 Ways of the Interpretation of Indirect Anaphora from the Perspective of Metonymy54-68
- 4.2.1 Ways of the Interpretation of Indirect Anaphora under the Whole-part Model55-63
- Semantic Relevance of the Antecedent and Anaphora in the SameCognitive Domain55-58
- Concept Activation of the Antecedent and Anaphora in the SameCognitive Domain58-60
- Schema Inference of the Antecedent and Anaphora in the SameCognitive Domain60-63
- 4.2.2 Ways of the Interpretation of Indirect Anaphora under the Part-part Model63-68
- Semantic Relevance of the Antecedent and Anaphora in the DifferentCognitive Domain63-64
- Conceptual Activation of the Antecedent and Anaphora in the DifferentCognitive Domain64-66
- Schema Inference of the Antecedent and Anaphora in the DifferentCognitive Domain66-68
- Chapter 5 Conclusion68-72
- 5.1 Major Findings of the Study68-69
- 5.2 Something New of the Study69-70
- 5.3 Limitations and Suggestions for Further Research70-72
- Bibliography72-76
- Acknowledgements76-77
- 个人简历77-78
- 攻读硕士学位期间取得的学术成果目录78
中国期刊全文数据库 前10条
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中国重要报纸全文数据库 前1条
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中国博士学位论文全文数据库 前10条
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