发布时间:2018-02-04 14:19
本文关键词: 中古汉语 一等韵 二等韵 韵腹 音值 出处:《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》2015年04期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:无论在现代汉语方言中,还是在古汉语的先秦、两汉、魏晋南北朝、宋代、元代以及明清时期,前、后低元音都没有构成对立的音位,其元音音位构型属于三角形系统。在中古汉语的域外译音以及汉语亲属语中,也未发现前、后低元音构成对立的现象。据此推论,在中古的隋唐时期,汉语的前、后低元音也不会构成对立的音位,其元音音位构型同样属于三角形系统。在现代多数方言中,中古开口二等韵的多数字都没有介音,韵腹属于低元音或次低元音,甚或在有的方言中,所有开口二等字都没有介音。据此推论,二等韵在中古也不会有介音。前人或将中古某些一等韵的韵腹拟作后低元音ɑ或■,某些二等韵的韵腹拟作前低元音a,或拟二等韵有一个e或γ、■的介音,均不足信。在中古的隋唐时期,前、后低元音和汉语其他时期一样,只有音值的差别,没有音位的差别,因而不能用以区别不同的等属。低元音a、ɑ(或■)属同一个音位,是一等韵的韵腹。二等韵没有介音,其韵腹是次低元音ε、∝、∧、■、鈋錥、a 之类。
[Abstract]:Whether in modern Chinese dialects or in the ancient Chinese pre-Qin, Han, Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern dynasties, Song Dynasty, Yuan Dynasty and the Ming and Qing dynasties, the low vowels did not constitute the opposite phonemes. The vowel phoneme structure belongs to the triangular system. In the middle ancient Chinese translation and Chinese kinship language, the former and the lower vowels formed the opposite phenomenon. Based on this, it was concluded that in the Sui and Tang dynasties of the middle ancient times. Before and after the Chinese vowels will not constitute the opposite phonemes, the vowel phonemes also belong to the triangular system. In most modern dialects, there is no interphonic tone in many numbers of the middle ancient open second class rhyme. Rhyme abdomen belongs to low vowels or sublow vowels, or even in some dialects, all open second class characters have no sound. The second class rhyme will not have the intermediate sound in the middle ancient times. The forefathers have made the lower vowel or the lower vowel after the rhyme of some first class rhyme of the middle age, the lower vowel a before the rhyme of some second class rhyme, or the intermediate sound of the quasi second class rhyme having an e or 纬. In the middle ancient Sui and Tang dynasties, before and after the low vowels and other Chinese period, there is only the difference of phonological value, there is no phonetic difference, so can not be used to distinguish different isovars. Low vowels a. The second class rhyme has no mesophones, and its rhyme belly is a sublow vowel 蔚, 鈭,