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发布时间:2018-03-11 22:19

  本文选题:公安 切入点:章庄铺话 出处:《深圳大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Zhangzhuang Town is located in the southwest of Gongan County, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province, adjacent to Songzi City in Hubei Province and Lixian County in Hunan Province. We have not seen the dialect investigation report about Zhangzhuang Pu Town. Through field investigation, this paper describes the phonetic system of Zhangzhuang Pu dialect in detail, compares it with the middle ancient phonological system from a diachronic point of view, and generalizes its phonological characteristics. From the synchronic point of view, the author compares it with Jingzhou dialect and Changsha dialect, and probes into its phonetic characteristics. At the same time, the text is divided into five parts: the first part: introduction. A brief introduction to the human geography of Gongan County and Zhangzhuangpu Town. At the same time, it explains the main research methods, significance and innovation of this research, and briefly introduces the basic situation of pronunciation person. Part two: the description of phonological system, and describes the phonetic system of Zhangzhuangpu dialect in detail. We recorded 17 consonants (including zero initials, 36 vowels) (including two nasal vowels of their own syllables). With NM? ) and 5 tones. Part three: diachronic comparison. The phonetic system of Zhangzhuangpu dialect and the middle ancient phonetic system are compared and analyzed to find out the corresponding relationship between them. Part 4th: synchronic comparison. Mainly compares Zhangzhuang dialect with Jingzhou dialect, Changsha dialect, finds out the similarities and differences. Finally, we compare the main phonetic features of Zhangzhuang dialect with Southwest Mandarin dialect and Hunan dialect. It is concluded that Zhangzhuang dialect belongs to Southwest Mandarin. Part 5th: conclusion.


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