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发布时间:2018-03-12 12:18

  本文选题:蒙古族学生 切入点:习得 出处:《吉林大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:Directional verb is one of the grammatical difficulties for Mongolian students to learn Chinese. This paper investigates the usage of directional verbs in Mongolian students and the factors affecting their acquisition, and analyzes the types of errors and the causes of the errors in the acquisition of directional verbs by Mongolian students. The author finds that the fifth and sixth grade Mongolian students often appear when they learn and use directional verbs. Open, up, down, down, in, in, out, out, back, back, back, come, past, get up. The main types of bias are directional verb position errors and directional verb selection errors. There are four kinds of errors in the collocation of directional verbs and other words, such as the redundancy of directional verbs. The main causes of errors are: negative transfer of mother tongue and unfamiliarity of target language, subjective factors of students' learning, teachers and teaching reasons; Through the analysis of the example sentence of directional verb, the author thinks that the Mongolian students in grade 5 and 6 are in the process of learning and using Chinese directional verb, according to the reasons of the error. The corresponding teaching countermeasures are put forward as follows: first, to reduce the influence of negative transfer of mother tongue, to grasp and correct the causes and types of errors in time, meanwhile, to strengthen the comparative mastery of Mongolian and Chinese. The Chinese teachers of Mongolian students must master sufficient errors related to directional verbs and strengthen the contrastive study of grammar between Chinese and Mongolian. The premise is to train bilingual teachers who understand both Mongolian and Chinese; second, Cultivate students' scientific learning strategies, increase students' interest in learning, provide students with favorable context, improve students' ability to express and think independently; third, further improve teaching methods, first explain the sequence of contents before and after, All the important and difficult points of knowledge should be arranged according to the teaching material, pay attention to the difference between mother tongue and target language, master their grammar rules separately, and avoid the repetition of the same mistakes. Then, According to the teaching goal and the students' learning situation, we should insist on the principle of speaking in Chinese in class, let the students communicate with the target language as far as possible in class, pay attention to the ability of language application, and achieve the purpose of learning. This article starts with the example sentence of the Mongolian students' tendency verb. This paper analyzes the usage of directional verbs, sums up the main types of errors of directional verbs, expounds the causes and rules of errors, and puts forward the corresponding teaching countermeasures. It mainly includes five parts: the first part is the introduction. The significance of the topic, the scope of the study, the source of the corpus and the research methods, The second part is the statistics of Mongolian students' learning Chinese directional verb errors and their usage. The third part is the error types of Mongolian students' acquisition of Chinese directional verbs. This paper sums up the types of errors in the process of Mongolian students' Chinese directional verbs. According to the analysis of example sentences, the errors in the position of directional verbs, in the selection of directional verbs, in collocation of directional verbs with other words, and in the redundancy of directional verbs are analyzed. It also makes a detailed analysis of the example sentences. Part 4th is the analysis of the causes of errors and the corresponding teaching countermeasures. From Mongolian and Chinese, Mongolian students' own factors, teaching factors, This paper analyzes the causes of errors from five aspects, such as cultural differences, and then puts forward the corresponding teaching strategies according to the causes of errors. Part 5th is the conclusion.


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