[Abstract]:The study of vulgar characters has been a hot topic in the field of linguistics in China in recent decades, and it is also an important part of the study of modern Chinese. In this paper, the author studied the usage of characters in the book of traditional Chinese Medicine in Ming Dynasty, and the whole picture of the use of vulgar characters in this book was also studied. The full text is divided into four parts: the first part: introduction: mainly introduces the "Collection of Medical prescriptions", the general outline of the study of the ancient Chinese characters, and the significance and research methods of the study of "the Collection of traditional Chinese Medicine". In the second part, the author introduces the general situation of the common characters: one of the remarkable characteristics of the characters is the use of the correct characters and the common characters. But the vulgar character has because the sound near the sound causes the custom, the form is near but becomes the vulgar, inherits the nature uses the custom, and the author creates the vulgar character and so on. The third part discusses the types and examples of the mechanism of vulgar characters: from the point of view of "sound" and "form" become vulgar, enumerates more than 100 vulgar writing, and discusses it concretely. Through the comparison and argumentation, the author points out the cause and mechanism of vulgarity. The fourth part summarizes the types and mechanism of vulgar characters and their status in Chinese history.
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