[Abstract]:The Book of songs is the first collection of Chinese poetry and a great cultural heritage of the Chinese nation. The language of the Book of songs is very close to the spoken language of the time, which can reflect the characteristics of ancient Chinese and is an important treasure house for studying the vocabulary of ancient Chinese. When we read the Book of songs, we find that there are a kind of words which describe the sound, appearance and state of people or things, which is called "drawing words" in this paper. On the basis of previous studies, this paper makes a systematic and comprehensive statistical analysis of the drawing words in the Book of songs. According to different structural types, they are divided into three categories: reduplicative drawing words, combined imitating words, additional imitating words and combined drawing words. And has carried on the concrete elaboration and the analysis. By studying the semantic, grammatical and pragmatic characteristics of the descriptive words in the Book of songs, as well as investigating the inheritance relationship between them and modern Chinese, it is helpful to reveal the development of the ancient Chinese and to provide some information for the study of the history of Chinese vocabulary.
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