发布时间:2018-10-14 14:05
[Abstract]:In this paper, Panan is selected as the investigation point and Panan phonetic system as the main research object. Then the whole characteristics of Gangu County dialect are analyzed, and the overall description is carried out. From the angle of synchronic and diachronic, the phonetic characteristics of Gangu dialect are summarized, and the special phonetic changes of Ganggu dialect are discussed. The full text is divided into seven chapters. Chapter one, introduction. This paper introduces the general situation of Ganggu humanity (geography, population, historical evolution), the attribution of Gangu dialect, phonetic characteristics, internal differences and the research status, methods and significance of Gangu dialect, and explains the investigation points and pronunciation collaborators of the dialect in this paper. At the same time, according to the main characteristics of Gangu dialect, Ganggu dialect is partitioned internally, and the map is given. Chapter two, Phonology of Panan dialect in Gangu. This chapter summarizes the phonological system and characteristics of Gangu dialect. Chapter three, the homonym of Panan dialect in Gangu. Chapter four, the comparison between Panan dialect of Gangu and the Chinese ancient pronunciation, this chapter compares Ganggu dialect with the middle ancient tone in the form of table form from three aspects of tone and rhyme. Chapter five, the comparison between Gangu dialect and Beijing dialect. Chapter six, the different readings of Panan dialect in Gangu. This paper makes a comprehensive description and analysis on the text and white reading and its source, meaning and nature of Gangu Panan dialect. Chapter seven, the special phonetic change of Panan dialect of Gangu, the end of son and the end of son. The last chapter is the conclusion.
[Abstract]:In this paper, Panan is selected as the investigation point and Panan phonetic system as the main research object. Then the whole characteristics of Gangu County dialect are analyzed, and the overall description is carried out. From the angle of synchronic and diachronic, the phonetic characteristics of Gangu dialect are summarized, and the special phonetic changes of Ganggu dialect are discussed. The full text is divided into seven chapters. Chapter one, introduction. This paper introduces the general situation of Ganggu humanity (geography, population, historical evolution), the attribution of Gangu dialect, phonetic characteristics, internal differences and the research status, methods and significance of Gangu dialect, and explains the investigation points and pronunciation collaborators of the dialect in this paper. At the same time, according to the main characteristics of Gangu dialect, Ganggu dialect is partitioned internally, and the map is given. Chapter two, Phonology of Panan dialect in Gangu. This chapter summarizes the phonological system and characteristics of Gangu dialect. Chapter three, the homonym of Panan dialect in Gangu. Chapter four, the comparison between Panan dialect of Gangu and the Chinese ancient pronunciation, this chapter compares Ganggu dialect with the middle ancient tone in the form of table form from three aspects of tone and rhyme. Chapter five, the comparison between Gangu dialect and Beijing dialect. Chapter six, the different readings of Panan dialect in Gangu. This paper makes a comprehensive description and analysis on the text and white reading and its source, meaning and nature of Gangu Panan dialect. Chapter seven, the special phonetic change of Panan dialect of Gangu, the end of son and the end of son. The last chapter is the conclusion.
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