[Abstract]:Taoist terminology is a special term in the field of Taoism and an important part of Chinese vocabulary. Terms and common words can be transformed into each other by many means, that is, grammaticalization and non-grammaticalization. Grammaticalization is a process from the general field to the professional field of lexical units; on the contrary, non-grammaticalization is the transformation of terms from the original professional category into the daily field into ordinary vocabulary. This paper mainly takes the Taoist terms included in the Taoist Dictionary as the research object. By using the methods of investigation statistics, description and interpretation, synchronic and diachronic research, and using the theories of terminology, lexicology and cognitive linguistics, this paper describes the basic situation of the grammaticalization and non-grammaticalization of Taoist vocabulary. This paper examines the transformation relationship between Taoist terms and ordinary words from the semantic point of view, and probes into the ways and reasons for the evolution of terminological and non-lexical terms. First of all, the research on grammaticalization, non-grammaticalization and Taoist vocabulary at home and abroad is reviewed. This paper introduces the main concepts and theories involved in this paper, including terminology, Taoist terminology and common vocabulary, and analyzes the two-way transformation relationship between terminology and common vocabulary, that is, grammaticalization and non-grammaticalization. Among them, grammaticalization also includes the phenomenon of changing from terminology in one category to terminology in another, that is, secondary grammaticalization. There are two main types of Taoist terms formed by terminology, one is the grammaticalization of ordinary words, the other is the secondary grammaticalization of terms, and the meaning of ordinary vocabulary is mainly extended through metaphors, metonymy and symbolism. The sources of secondary grammaticalization include Taoist subsystem terminology, Buddhist terminology and feudal terminology, and there are two main ways to form Taoist terminology: the direct borrowing of original words and the formation of terms as elements of terms or terms, and the formation of Taoist terms in two ways: the direct borrowing of original words and the composition of terms as elements of terms or terms; The reasons for the formation of Taoist terms include the characteristics of language, the psychological association of human beings, the openness of Taoist culture, the mystery of Taoist language and so on. The non-grammaticalization of Taoist terms includes the direct application of terms to daily life and the transformation and use of terms, that is, the formation of new structures through the transformation of forms or combination with other linguistic components, and the non-grammaticalization through metaphor. Metonymy and other words to extend the meaning of the realization; Non-technical grammaticalization generally goes through two stages: pragmatic and semantic, in which the degree of non-grammaticalization is from low to high. The influencing factors of non-grammaticalization of Taoist terms mainly include language factors, the influence of Taoist culture on society, human cognitive psychology, pragmatic psychology of speech subjects and so on.
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