发布时间:2021-06-25 14:17
【文章页数】:71 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Motivation of the Research
1.3 Research Method
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Defining Basic Concepts
2.1.1 Definition of Style and Stylistics
2.1.2 Procedure of Stylistic Analysis
2.1.3 Conversation Analysis
2.2 Conversational Style and Intercultural Communication
2.2.1 Domestic Studies
2.2.2 Deborah Tannen’s Study of Conversational Style
2.2.3 Linguistic Devices in Conversational Style and Narrative Strategies
2.2.4 Tannen’s Theory on Features of High-Involvement Style
2.2.5 George Yule’s Theory on Division of Conversational Style
2.2.6 Hofstede’s Dimension of Cultural Value
2.2.7 Individualism and Collectivism Orientation
2.2.8 Conversational Style and Cultural Value Orientation
Chapter Three Introduction of the Two Sitcoms
3.1 Situation Comedy
3.1.1 Definition and Features of Situation Comedy
3.1.2 Situation Comedies in Different Countries
3.2 Introduction to WuLinWaiZhuan and Friends
Chapter Four Comparative Study
4.1 The Comparative Study of Conversation Topics of WuLinWaiZhuan and Friend
4.2 The Distinctive Feature of WuLinWaiZhuan and Friends
4.3 Bochner’s Testing in WuLinWaiZhuan and Friends
4.4 Linguistic Devices of Conversational Style in the Two Sitcoms
4.4.1 Linguistic Device of Conversational Style: Interruption
4.4.2 Linguistic Device of Conversational Style: The Enthusiasm Constraint
4.4.3 Linguistic Device of Conversational Style: Mutual Revelation
4.4.4 Linguistic Device of Conversational Style: Narrative Strategies
4.4.5 Linguistic Device of Conversational Style: Irony and Joking
4.5 Summary:Differences in Conversational Style between the Chinese and the American
4.5.1 Direct Conversational Style vs. Indirect Conversational Style
4.5.2 Precise Conversational Style vs. Ambiguous Conversational Style
4.5.3 Chinese High Considerateness Style and American High Involvement
Chapter Five Conclusion
[1]跨文化交际中的中美价值观比较——小议集体主义与个人主义[J]. 丁新宇. 通化师范学院学报. 2010(07)
[2]《六人行》中幽默会话的语篇分析[J]. 樊晓英. 大众文艺. 2010(10)
[3]从合作原则的违反分析《六人行》中台词的会话含义[J]. 周慧. 科技信息. 2010(13)
[4]访谈会话中话轮把持的语言标记及其语境顺应性[J]. 薛媛,刘吉林. 四川外语学院学报. 2008(06)
[5]跨文化交际中两种会话方式的运用[J]. 唐德根,常圆. 天津外国语学院学报. 2004(04)
[6]东西方文化价值观的两重性与跨文化交际[J]. 魏家海,曾玲. 西安外国语学院学报. 2000(01)
[7]中美语言文化差异浅说[J]. 张新生. 合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版). 1998(03)
[8]中美文化差异述论[J]. 杨春苑. 烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 1998(03)
[9]跨文化交际中的价值观对比分析[J]. 杨平. 外语教学. 1996(04)
[1]中美电视谈话节目会话结构比较分析[D]. 张迪.上海师范大学 2010
【文章页数】:71 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Research
1.2 Motivation of the Research
1.3 Research Method
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Structure of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Defining Basic Concepts
2.1.1 Definition of Style and Stylistics
2.1.2 Procedure of Stylistic Analysis
2.1.3 Conversation Analysis
2.2 Conversational Style and Intercultural Communication
2.2.1 Domestic Studies
2.2.2 Deborah Tannen’s Study of Conversational Style
2.2.3 Linguistic Devices in Conversational Style and Narrative Strategies
2.2.4 Tannen’s Theory on Features of High-Involvement Style
2.2.5 George Yule’s Theory on Division of Conversational Style
2.2.6 Hofstede’s Dimension of Cultural Value
2.2.7 Individualism and Collectivism Orientation
2.2.8 Conversational Style and Cultural Value Orientation
Chapter Three Introduction of the Two Sitcoms
3.1 Situation Comedy
3.1.1 Definition and Features of Situation Comedy
3.1.2 Situation Comedies in Different Countries
3.2 Introduction to WuLinWaiZhuan and Friends
Chapter Four Comparative Study
4.1 The Comparative Study of Conversation Topics of WuLinWaiZhuan and Friend
4.2 The Distinctive Feature of WuLinWaiZhuan and Friends
4.3 Bochner’s Testing in WuLinWaiZhuan and Friends
4.4 Linguistic Devices of Conversational Style in the Two Sitcoms
4.4.1 Linguistic Device of Conversational Style: Interruption
4.4.2 Linguistic Device of Conversational Style: The Enthusiasm Constraint
4.4.3 Linguistic Device of Conversational Style: Mutual Revelation
4.4.4 Linguistic Device of Conversational Style: Narrative Strategies
4.4.5 Linguistic Device of Conversational Style: Irony and Joking
4.5 Summary:Differences in Conversational Style between the Chinese and the American
4.5.1 Direct Conversational Style vs. Indirect Conversational Style
4.5.2 Precise Conversational Style vs. Ambiguous Conversational Style
4.5.3 Chinese High Considerateness Style and American High Involvement
Chapter Five Conclusion
[1]跨文化交际中的中美价值观比较——小议集体主义与个人主义[J]. 丁新宇. 通化师范学院学报. 2010(07)
[2]《六人行》中幽默会话的语篇分析[J]. 樊晓英. 大众文艺. 2010(10)
[3]从合作原则的违反分析《六人行》中台词的会话含义[J]. 周慧. 科技信息. 2010(13)
[4]访谈会话中话轮把持的语言标记及其语境顺应性[J]. 薛媛,刘吉林. 四川外语学院学报. 2008(06)
[5]跨文化交际中两种会话方式的运用[J]. 唐德根,常圆. 天津外国语学院学报. 2004(04)
[6]东西方文化价值观的两重性与跨文化交际[J]. 魏家海,曾玲. 西安外国语学院学报. 2000(01)
[7]中美语言文化差异浅说[J]. 张新生. 合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版). 1998(03)
[8]中美文化差异述论[J]. 杨春苑. 烟台大学学报(哲学社会科学版). 1998(03)
[9]跨文化交际中的价值观对比分析[J]. 杨平. 外语教学. 1996(04)
[1]中美电视谈话节目会话结构比较分析[D]. 张迪.上海师范大学 2010