发布时间:2021-07-23 13:33
会话分析是对使用中的语言的分析,它不仅仅是探索语言的形式特征,更是对语言使用功能的研究(Brown & Yule 2000)。本研究通过转写14场真实面试的现场录像,运用目的原则对面试语料进行分析,探讨中文求职面试的话语特征,以及面试中的提问技巧和应答策略,达到指导面试的效果。同时也探索语用“目的原则”在法庭话语以外的适用性。目的原则是一个从新的角度分析话语的语用原则。一般来说,一个人说话、行事都是为了达到一个目的。但其目的是否实现,很大程度上取决于能否成功运用语言手段。求职面试话语是以目的为导向的,围绕特定任务展开的典型的机构话语。在求职面试中,面试官和求职者之间的对话是动态的、多样性的。双方采用的不同话语方式都隐含着说话者当时的特定意图。对于面试官来说,不同的提问方式和话题启动会达到不同的效果,他们也将针对应聘者的回答做出分析和揣摩以寻求最合适的人才;而对于应聘者,他们需要采用不同的应答策略来展示自己是最合适的人选。论文在第一部分介绍了本选题的研究背景、研究目的、研究范围和本研究所涉及的语料。鉴于面试的多样性,本研究将面试语料范围限定为在求职中起关键作用的面试,并且排除了多...
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:91 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Significance and purpose of the study
1.2 Scope of the study
1.3 Research methodology and data collection
1.4 Organization of the thesis
2. Literature Review
2.1 Relevant theories
2.1.1 Conversation analysis
2.1.2 Institutional interaction
2.2 Previous studies of interview conversation
2.2.1 Studies of interview conversation abroad
2.2.2 Studies of interview conversation in China
3. Theoretical Framework
3.1 The Principle of Goal-direction
3.2 Previous studies of goal-directed discourse
3.3 The discourse analysis model of the Principle of Goal-direction
3.3.1 Goal relations
3.3.2 Goal interactions
3.3.3 The relation between goal relation and goal interaction
4. Conversation Analysis of Job Interviews
4.1 Analysis of goal relation
4.1.1 Convergent goal relation
4.1.2 Conflicting goal relation
4.2 Analysis of goal system
4.2.1 Top-down goal organization pattern
4.2.2 Bottom-up goal organization pattern
4.3 Goal and discourse cohesion
4.4 Goal realization strategy
4.4.1 Linguistic strategies employed by the interviewers
4.4.2 Response strategies employed by the interviewees
4.4.3 Comparison of strategies used by the two sides of the interview
4.5 Power and status implied in interview conversation
4.5.1 The imbalance of topic initiation
4.5.2 The imbalance of strategies employed
4.5.3 Tone difference
4.6 Analysis of goal realization outcome
4.6.1 Successful and failed goal realization of the interviewers
4.6.2 Successful and failed goal realization of the interviewees
4.6.3 Linguistic explanation for the successful and failed goal realization
4.6.4 Propositional strategies
5. Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Applications
5.3 Limitations
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
[1]目的原则下的《了不起的盖茨比》之话语分析[J]. 李迎春,解琳. 柳州职业技术学院学报. 2008(04)
[2]目的原则下的教师课堂话语分析[J]. 邓军,彭金定. 山东外语教学. 2008(01)
[3]目的原则与语篇连贯分析[J]. 廖美珍. 外语教学与研究. 2005(05)
[4]“目的原则”与目的分析(下)——语用话语分析新途径[J]. 廖美珍. 修辞学习. 2005(04)
[5]“目的原则”与目的分析(上)——语用研究新途径探索[J]. 廖美珍. 修辞学习. 2005(03)
[6]目的原则与法庭互动话语合作问题研究[J]. 廖美珍. 外语学刊. 2004(05)
[7]论英语面试语境与批评话语意识[J]. 张敏. 西安外国语学院学报. 2002(03)
[8]会话分析学派的研究方法及理论基础[J]. 刘运同. 同济大学学报(社会科学版). 2002(04)
[9]从话轮转换看权势关系、性格刻画和情节发展[J]. 李华东,俞东明. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2001(02)
[10]话语角色类型及其在言语交际中的转换[J]. 俞东明. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 1996(01)
[1]中文求职面试会话分析及应答策略探讨[D]. 吴芬.华中师范大学 2007
[2]求职面试的会话与修辞分析[D]. 郝宇.东北师范大学 2007
[3]中国面试官与求职者会话中礼貌策略的表现方式[D]. 李颖.东北师范大学 2006
[4]求职面试问题及其应对策略:案例分析[D]. 谢衍君.广东外语外贸大学 2004
【文章来源】:华中师范大学湖北省 211工程院校 教育部直属院校
【文章页数】:91 页
1. Introduction
1.1 Significance and purpose of the study
1.2 Scope of the study
1.3 Research methodology and data collection
1.4 Organization of the thesis
2. Literature Review
2.1 Relevant theories
2.1.1 Conversation analysis
2.1.2 Institutional interaction
2.2 Previous studies of interview conversation
2.2.1 Studies of interview conversation abroad
2.2.2 Studies of interview conversation in China
3. Theoretical Framework
3.1 The Principle of Goal-direction
3.2 Previous studies of goal-directed discourse
3.3 The discourse analysis model of the Principle of Goal-direction
3.3.1 Goal relations
3.3.2 Goal interactions
3.3.3 The relation between goal relation and goal interaction
4. Conversation Analysis of Job Interviews
4.1 Analysis of goal relation
4.1.1 Convergent goal relation
4.1.2 Conflicting goal relation
4.2 Analysis of goal system
4.2.1 Top-down goal organization pattern
4.2.2 Bottom-up goal organization pattern
4.3 Goal and discourse cohesion
4.4 Goal realization strategy
4.4.1 Linguistic strategies employed by the interviewers
4.4.2 Response strategies employed by the interviewees
4.4.3 Comparison of strategies used by the two sides of the interview
4.5 Power and status implied in interview conversation
4.5.1 The imbalance of topic initiation
4.5.2 The imbalance of strategies employed
4.5.3 Tone difference
4.6 Analysis of goal realization outcome
4.6.1 Successful and failed goal realization of the interviewers
4.6.2 Successful and failed goal realization of the interviewees
4.6.3 Linguistic explanation for the successful and failed goal realization
4.6.4 Propositional strategies
5. Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Applications
5.3 Limitations
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
[1]目的原则下的《了不起的盖茨比》之话语分析[J]. 李迎春,解琳. 柳州职业技术学院学报. 2008(04)
[2]目的原则下的教师课堂话语分析[J]. 邓军,彭金定. 山东外语教学. 2008(01)
[3]目的原则与语篇连贯分析[J]. 廖美珍. 外语教学与研究. 2005(05)
[4]“目的原则”与目的分析(下)——语用话语分析新途径[J]. 廖美珍. 修辞学习. 2005(04)
[5]“目的原则”与目的分析(上)——语用研究新途径探索[J]. 廖美珍. 修辞学习. 2005(03)
[6]目的原则与法庭互动话语合作问题研究[J]. 廖美珍. 外语学刊. 2004(05)
[7]论英语面试语境与批评话语意识[J]. 张敏. 西安外国语学院学报. 2002(03)
[8]会话分析学派的研究方法及理论基础[J]. 刘运同. 同济大学学报(社会科学版). 2002(04)
[9]从话轮转换看权势关系、性格刻画和情节发展[J]. 李华东,俞东明. 解放军外国语学院学报. 2001(02)
[10]话语角色类型及其在言语交际中的转换[J]. 俞东明. 外国语(上海外国语大学学报). 1996(01)
[1]中文求职面试会话分析及应答策略探讨[D]. 吴芬.华中师范大学 2007
[2]求职面试的会话与修辞分析[D]. 郝宇.东北师范大学 2007
[3]中国面试官与求职者会话中礼貌策略的表现方式[D]. 李颖.东北师范大学 2006
[4]求职面试问题及其应对策略:案例分析[D]. 谢衍君.广东外语外贸大学 2004