发布时间:2023-12-09 09:53
当代最具有影响力的解释隐喻工作机制的理论有两个,即概念隐喻理论和概念合成理论。前者主要解决隐喻是一种思维而非语言现象这一基本的理论问题,对隐喻的解释机制只适用于常规的概念隐喻,概念合成理论则能够对非常规的诗性隐喻做出清楚的阐释。本文以Fauconnier的概念整合思想为理论基础,以诗性隐喻为研究对象,将概念整合理论框架应用到诗性隐喻的认知解读过程。一方面证明概念合成作为普遍的认知机制不仅可以解释概念隐喻、事件整合、概念延伸等语言现象,而且为意义构建和语篇分析提供了行之有效且不可或缺的认知工具;另一方面,利用丰富的语料对概念整合理论的可操作性和活用性进行了进一步验证,强调合成是产生整体意义大于部分意义之和的后台认知机制,是人类普遍存在的认知方式和思维方式。 本文由六个章节组成。第一章提出了总体观点,阐明了研究的背景、目的和意义,然后回顾了研究的历史与现状,最后概述论文的结构框架。第二章主要介绍了概念合成的理论,即心理空间理论的介绍和概念整合的大概框架,该框架包括对基本概念整合网络、概念整合过程、概念整合过程中的三大重要原则以及概念整合网络的四种分类的介绍。第三章对诗性隐喻进行界定,认为诗...
【文章页数】:74 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Purpose and Significance
1.3 Literature Review
1.3.1 Research Abroad
1.3.2 Research at Home
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Conceptual Blending Theory
2.1 Mental Space Theory
2.2 Framework of CBT
2.2.1 Conceptual Integration Network
2.2.2 Integration Process
2.2.3 Integration Principles
2.2.4 Types of Integration
Chapter 3 Poetic Metaphor
3.1 Classification of Poetic Metaphor
3.2 Definition of Poetic Metaphor
3.3 Nature of Poetic Metaphor
Chapter 4 Advantages of CBT in Interpreting Poetic Metaphor
4.1 Mental Space in the Interpreting of Poetic Metaphor
4.2 Projection Mapping in the Interpreting of Poetic Metaphor
4.3 Emergent Structure in the Interpreting of Poetic Metaphor
4.4 On-line Process in the Interpreting of Poetic Metaphor
Chapter 5 Meaning Construction of Poetic Metaphor
5.1 Fundamental Condition of Poetic Metaphor
5.1.1 Semantic Conflict between Source Domain and Target Domain
5.1.2 Semantic Conflict between Literal Meaning and Context
5.2 Working Mechanism of Poetic Metaphor
5.2.1 Meaning Construction Based on Simplex Network
5.2.2 Meaning Construction Based on Mirror Network
5.2.3 Meaning Construction Based on Single-scope Network
5.2.4 Meaning Construction Based on Double-scope Network
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings of the Study
6.2 Limitations of the Study
【文章页数】:74 页
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Purpose and Significance
1.3 Literature Review
1.3.1 Research Abroad
1.3.2 Research at Home
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter 2 Conceptual Blending Theory
2.1 Mental Space Theory
2.2 Framework of CBT
2.2.1 Conceptual Integration Network
2.2.2 Integration Process
2.2.3 Integration Principles
2.2.4 Types of Integration
Chapter 3 Poetic Metaphor
3.1 Classification of Poetic Metaphor
3.2 Definition of Poetic Metaphor
3.3 Nature of Poetic Metaphor
Chapter 4 Advantages of CBT in Interpreting Poetic Metaphor
4.1 Mental Space in the Interpreting of Poetic Metaphor
4.2 Projection Mapping in the Interpreting of Poetic Metaphor
4.3 Emergent Structure in the Interpreting of Poetic Metaphor
4.4 On-line Process in the Interpreting of Poetic Metaphor
Chapter 5 Meaning Construction of Poetic Metaphor
5.1 Fundamental Condition of Poetic Metaphor
5.1.1 Semantic Conflict between Source Domain and Target Domain
5.1.2 Semantic Conflict between Literal Meaning and Context
5.2 Working Mechanism of Poetic Metaphor
5.2.1 Meaning Construction Based on Simplex Network
5.2.2 Meaning Construction Based on Mirror Network
5.2.3 Meaning Construction Based on Single-scope Network
5.2.4 Meaning Construction Based on Double-scope Network
Chapter 6 Conclusion
6.1 Major Findings of the Study
6.2 Limitations of the Study