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发布时间:2024-01-21 12:33
  随着我国对外开放政策的不断深入和发展,中外交流触及经济、社会、文化等各个方面,汉语也必不可免地受到不同语言的冲击。各种不同国家的语言交织在一起形成了纷繁复杂的语码转换现象。语码转换是指交际者在对话过程中从-种语言转换到另一种语言的现象。而这种语码转换的现象在网络交流中也有一定的体现。网络语言指的是人们在网络上相互交流和传递信息时使用的一种符号系统,这种符号系统不同于任何现有的语体有其自身的便捷,生动的特点。因而网络语码转换现象既有语码转换的特点又有网络语言的特点。 本文主要有两个研究目的。其一是以Verschueren的语言顺应论为理论基础,并以于国栋的语码转换顺应模式为理论框架,采用定性研究的方法,根据从网络上收集的自然语料对网络语码转换现象进行了具体的分析,旨在探索网民出于什么样的动机进行语码转换。本文中提及的网络语码转换主要是以书面体出现的语码转换。网络交流形式虽然不同于现实生活中的交流,但网民在交流的过程中还是下意识的遵守了基本的社会交往的规约。在网民进行语码转换的背后是出于他们对不同的语言表达、历史文化、风俗习惯、心理因素等的考虑。动机与行为并不总是对等的一对一的关系,也就是...

【文章页数】:52 页


Abstract 摘要 Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Research questions
1.2 Significance of the study
1.3 Research method and data collection
1.4 Organization of thesis Chapter Two Literature review of code-switching
2.1 Definitions of code-switching
2.2 Types of code-switching
2.3 Previous studies on code-switching
    2.3.1 The grammatical perspective
    2.3.2 The sociolinguistic perspective
    2.3.3 The psycholinguistic perspective
    2.3.4 The conversational analysis perspective
    2.3.5 The pragmatic perspective Chapter Three Theoretical framework
3.1 Linguistic adaptation theory
    3.1.1 Language choice
    3.1.2 Variability,negotiability and adaptability
    3.1.3 Verschueren's theory of context
3.2 Adaptation model of code-switching study
    3.2.1 Adaptation of linguistic reality
    3.2.2 Adaptation of social conventions
    3.2.3 Adaptation of psychological motivations Chapter Four Motivations of cpde-switching of network discourse in terms of adaptation model
4.1 Code-switching as adaptation to the linguistic reality
    4.1.1 Adaptation to the linguistic traditions
    4.1.2 Adaptation to the systematic gap
4.2 Code-switching as adaptation to the social conventions
    4.2.1 Adaptation to the cultural factor
    4.2.2 Adaptation to the moral factor
    4.2.3 Adaptation to the obscure factor
4.3 Code-switching as adaptation to the psychological motivations
    4.3.1 Seeking convenience
    4.3.2 Avoiding ambiguity
    4.3.3 Softening tone
    4.3.4 Pursuing conformity
4.4 Conclusion Chapter Five Forms of code-switching of network discourse
5.1 Chinese/English code-switching
5.2 Chinese/Chinese pinyin code-switching
5.3 Mandarin/local dialect code-switching
5.4 Chinese/English/numerals code-switching
5.5 Chinese/Korean/Japanese code-switching Chapter Six Conclusion
6.1 Findings of the present study
6.2 Limitations of the present study Bibliography Appendix Acknowledgements




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