发布时间:2024-02-04 02:02
文化与交际彼此相连,密不可分。作为东西方文化的典型代表,中美文化间存在着巨大的差异,常常给中美文化成员间的交际带来困惑。霍尔(Hall,1976)第一次提出了高语境和低语境交流模式的概念,他指出,根据不同文化中人们对语境依赖程度的不同,文化可以分成高语境文化和低语境文化,并指出中国属于高语境文化,美国属于低语境文化。这种模式的提出为人们研究跨文化交流提供了一个很好的文化维度。因此本研究试图从高低语境的角度出发,采用对比分析法,来研究中美言语交际风格的差异及其形成的根源。 本研究首先对比分析了高低语境文化下中美言语交际风格方面的差异。在交际中,美国人重言语信息,趋向于直接明确,自我提高,谈话取向型风格,而中国人则更注重语境方面的内容,喜欢间接含蓄,自我贬抑和沉默取向型交际。本研究还以中美电影中的对话为例对以上差异加以说明,并列举了四组中美交际的失误案例来进一步说明交际风格对跨文化交际的影响。其次,本研究还分别从社会历史,宗教与哲学以及思维方式三个方面分析了引起中美高低语境交际风格形成的根源。这一研究有利于培养交际者的跨文化意识,增强跨文化交际能力,对跨文化交际有实际指导意义。
【文章页数】:78 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Rationale of the Study
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Understanding of Communication
2.1.1 Defining communication
2.1.2 Defining context
2.1.3 The relationship between communication and context
2.2 Understanding of Intercultural Communication
2.2.1 The relationships between communication and culture
2.2.2 The importance of cultural context in intercultural communication
2.2.3 Verbal communication styles in intercultural communication
2.3 Previous Research on HC and LC Abroad
2.4 Previous Research on HC and LC in China
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three A Comparative Study of Verbal Communication Styles between Chinese HC and American LC Cultures
3.1 Verbal Communication Styles of Chinese HC versus American LC Cultures
3.1.1 Direct & explicit vs.indirect & implicit
3.1.2 Self-enhancement vs.self-effacement
3.1.3 Talk-oriented vs. silence-oriented
3.2 Miscommunication Cases in Sino-U.S. Intercultural Interactions
Chapter Four Root Causes for Communication Styles in Chinese HC and American LC Cultures
4.1 Different Social and Historical Roots
4.1.1 The agricultural civilization and feudalism system in the traditional Chinese society
4.1.2 The "melting pot" and industrial civilization in the American society
4.2 Different Religious and Philosophical Roots
4.2.1 Religion and philosophy in Chinese culture
4.2.2 Religion and philosophy in American culture
4.3 Different Thinking Patterns
4.3.1 Synthesis vs. analysis
4.3.2 Spiral thinking vs. linear thinking
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Summary of the Study
5.2 Implications of the Study
5.3 Limitations of the Study
【文章页数】:78 页
Chapter One Introduction
1.1 Background of the Study
1.2 Rationale of the Study
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Organization of the Thesis
Chapter Two Literature Review
2.1 Understanding of Communication
2.1.1 Defining communication
2.1.2 Defining context
2.1.3 The relationship between communication and context
2.2 Understanding of Intercultural Communication
2.2.1 The relationships between communication and culture
2.2.2 The importance of cultural context in intercultural communication
2.2.3 Verbal communication styles in intercultural communication
2.3 Previous Research on HC and LC Abroad
2.4 Previous Research on HC and LC in China
2.5 Summary
Chapter Three A Comparative Study of Verbal Communication Styles between Chinese HC and American LC Cultures
3.1 Verbal Communication Styles of Chinese HC versus American LC Cultures
3.1.1 Direct & explicit vs.indirect & implicit
3.1.2 Self-enhancement vs.self-effacement
3.1.3 Talk-oriented vs. silence-oriented
3.2 Miscommunication Cases in Sino-U.S. Intercultural Interactions
Chapter Four Root Causes for Communication Styles in Chinese HC and American LC Cultures
4.1 Different Social and Historical Roots
4.1.1 The agricultural civilization and feudalism system in the traditional Chinese society
4.1.2 The "melting pot" and industrial civilization in the American society
4.2 Different Religious and Philosophical Roots
4.2.1 Religion and philosophy in Chinese culture
4.2.2 Religion and philosophy in American culture
4.3 Different Thinking Patterns
4.3.1 Synthesis vs. analysis
4.3.2 Spiral thinking vs. linear thinking
Chapter Five Conclusion
5.1 Summary of the Study
5.2 Implications of the Study
5.3 Limitations of the Study