[Abstract]:Forest park is a large-scale outdoor science education base, with ecological protection, recreation and other functions. In order to strengthen the tourists' understanding of the forest, the preaching and explanation has become the focus of the forest park construction. The preaching and explaining system is the main carrier for the forest park to transmit the knowledge information to the tourists. It is a bridge connecting the main body of explanation and the audience of explanation. It can not only transmit information such as environmental protection, popular knowledge of science, natural resources and so on, but also to the visitors. Increasing the satisfaction of tourists, setting up the values of ecological environment, and strengthening the management of tourist behavior in scenic spots are the core elements of the construction of propaganda and education project in forest parks [1]. Therefore, it is very important to study the system of preaching and explaining in forest park. At present, there are many problems in the system of preaching and explaining in forest parks in our country, such as the single way of explanation, the simple content of explanation, the lack of management mechanism and so on. With the rapid development of Internet technology and the popularization of intelligent mobile terminal products, the network terminal represented by mobile phone will become a new force, and the application of public number propaganda and explanation system in forest park will be greatly developed. The public number propaganda and explanation system has the characteristics of two-way interactive communication, fast information transmission, no time and space constraints, truthful and accurate feedback, high efficiency, low maintenance cost in the later period, diversity of information content, and so on. By using the new mode of public number preaching and explaining system, the necessary supplement of the functions of forest park preaching and explaining system, such as explanation guide, communication, popular science education, environmental education, ecological protection, service and so on, can be realized. Through field investigation and questionnaire survey, this paper summarizes and analyzes the concerns of the audience, and aims at the present situation and problems of the Baiwangshan Forest Park. This paper discusses the design of the public number preaching and explaining system from the aspects of the framework of the public number preaching and explaining system as well as the related application of the system, so as to integrate the public number into the missionary explanation system to realize the interactive communication between the management and the tourists.
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