[Abstract]:After the founding of Shanghai's "declaration", a western-style reporting position independent of the government was adopted to criticize the current politics. The expression of public opinion in "Yang Yuelou case" triggered the first newspaper public opinion war in modern China. After the case was over, the responding party established "report" (later renamed "< _ Y") and continued to engage in public opinion confrontation with the "declaration" in other fields. During the reporting period, using the more professional western news report and comment rules as a weapon, standing on the stand of the folk, the "Y" newspaper was challenged. With the intervention of New-style Newspapers and periodicals, the presentation and content of Chinese traditional public opinion have undergone subtle changes. Public opinion finally has a legal way to show, official public opinion has also begun to learn to use "new media" prudently, and the complexity of the contents of "public" and "private" involved in public opinion has also begun to show, and the attitude of the official towards new media is especially worthy of reflection.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学新闻学院;
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