[Abstract]:Promoting the integration and development of traditional media and emerging media is the only way to improve the overall strength of media, but there are some misunderstandings in the implementation. The investigation of Hubei Province shows: in understanding, the traditional media has four misunderstandings: the new media is hostile to the new media, one-sided understanding the content as king, exaggerating its own content advantages, think that the new media is only stronger than the technical means four big misunderstandings; In operation, the whole media is regarded as the core goal of the media fusion development, the content digitization as the core work of the media fusion development, and the paper (station) network interaction as the core means of the media fusion development. The study believes that traditional media can accelerate the integration and development through "long-term" and "extension" and innovation: bring out the "long board" and emerging media cooperation, extend the industrial chain up and down the river, support policies, and integrate the way of development. Innovation in three aspects of self-transformation and development.
【作者单位】: 海南师范大学新闻传播与影视学院;武汉理工大学外国语学院;
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