[Abstract]:With the increasing maturity of high-definition technology, Ocean high-definition broadcasting more and more serve our province, prefecture, city, county-level radio and television systems. At the beginning of the New year, the Ocean won the bid for the provincial radio station "Tianjin Radio and Television broadcast backup system High-cleaning Transformation Project", at the same time, In the prefecture-level city "Shaoxing radio and television station high standard definition co-broadcasting system" and the county-level city "Jiangyin broadcasting station high standard definition broadcast system" is also fully on the line. Tianjin: provincial and Taiwan HD broadcast system Transformation Tianjin Radio and Television TV backup system began planning and construction in 2009, and was put into operation in 2010. So far, it has been six years, with the expansion of the broadcasting channel. The volume of preparation business is increasing, and at the same time, the program is fast
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