[Abstract]:The transformation of the integration of mainstream media is entering the stage of deep attack from the initial stage, and many mainstream media groups in China have taken the construction of Internet media platform as the core strategy to promote the deep integration of media. What functionality should such a media platform have? How to build and operate? These problems not only need to be learned from the experience of the development of Internet platform, but also need to be understood by returning to the media as the essential attribute of the social information center. At present, domestic mainstream media groups have developed a variety of platform practice, in which Zhejiang Daily newspaper Group in the construction of the "Internet Pivot Media Group" process, the concept is clear, better deal with the platform and users, products, The relationship between technology and team is the representative work of the mainstream media platform construction in our country.
【作者单位】: 中国人民大学;中国人民大学新闻学院;中国政法大学政治与公共管理学院;
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