[Abstract]:The rapid development of emerging media, represented by the media, promotes the transformation of information dissemination from "communicator standard" to "audience standard", and brings a series of challenges to the ideological work of the national network, especially the difficulty of information screening. The trend of "decentralization" of information dissemination is serious, the difficulty of information management and control is increasing, and the lack of ability of mainstream media to meet the needs of the audience is prominent. In order to adapt to the "audience standard" and grasp the right of speech in the field of national network ideology, it is necessary to adhere to the co-governance of many parties and adjust the strategy in time: first, to change the management concept and take the initiative of the government to intervene in the platform of public opinion; Second, change the concept of work, innovate the means of publicity and education, respect the individual needs of the audience as the premise, committed to changing individual beliefs, third, change the business philosophy, the mainstream media platform into a real public forum; Fourth, practice the concept of the rule of law, severely punish those responsible for the dissemination of illegal information.
【作者单位】: 中南大学马克思主义学院;
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