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发布时间:2020-08-05 09:28
【摘要】:Through this thesis work, we have tried to make the analysis on the Ivorian print media from1960to2011. We analyzed the different steps of the press development, according to the different stages of the Ivorian society. We also analyzed the close relation between the media field and the political party. We presented the political affiliations of newspapers and the attitudes of journalists during the crisis. This works focus on the origins and the impacts of the accusations to which journalists of the written press are being subjected concerning their role in the Ivorian conflict. We explored how the crisis has been constructed and construed by and through media agents. The main point as an example is the processing of information during the crisis. We focused on the reflexive moments of journalists and on what their speeches reveal about the context of news production in Cote d'Ivoire. We have analyzed the role played by the Ivorian press in the democratic changes and its role during the crisis from2002to2011and we have also explored opportunities on future development of the Ivorian press to be more free and professional. After analysis we found that if the media in the democratic countries want to be profesional and free in the role of information, the government should promote the emergence of a new press, independent and financially supported by international development partners. We found that the negative role played by the media in the conflict is due to the close relation and the influence of the political partie that means that the problem that should be solved in the Ivory Coast media is the politization of the media. To solve this problem the government should give to the media a financial aid. The good repartition of the financial allocations between all companies' presses must be prescribed by law to make this institution more effective in its assistance to the development of the press.


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