[Abstract]:The microecological balance between microflora and host in human intestinal tract can ensure the normal life activities of the body. If the balance is broken and the flora is out of balance, it will cause many related diseases. Therefore, it is very important for human health to maintain the balance of intestinal microecosystem. In recent years, more and more attention has been paid to the study of human intestinal flora. A large number of studies have shown that in the process of co-evolution of intestinal microbes and hosts, Both internal and external factors of the host affect the colonization and diversity of the intestinal flora, thus affecting the balance of the intestinal microecosystem. Comprehensive and in-depth study of the relationship between intestinal flora and its influencing factors will provide a very important reference for how to maintain the balance of intestinal microecosystem. This study investigated the relationship between human physiological age and intestinal flora. Considering the influence of region, dietary characteristics, health status, race and other factors on intestinal flora, the feces samples of 30 healthy Han nationality volunteers from Sichuan area of China were studied. The volunteers were in different physiological ages. In infancy, adolescence and middle age, the differences of intestinal flora in volunteers of different physiological ages were studied by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) and real-time fluorescence quantitative PCR (qPCR) (PCR (qPCR). The results showed that the metabolic level of short chain fatty acids and total bile acids was closely related to human physiological age, and the composition of intestinal flora was different in different life periods, and there were some differences among the samples in the group. The main diversity bacteria are Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Mycoplasma sp., Streptococcus bradycari, Escherichia coli, Bifidobacterium pseudostrepta, and so on. The number of intestinal tract in infants was higher than that in youth and middle age, and higher than that of other 6 dominant bacteria in human intestinal tract. For Lactobacillus, Strange bacteria, Bacteroides and Clostridium, the number of intestinal tract in young people was slightly higher than that in middle age, which was significantly higher than that in infants. For Vibrio desulphurium and Clostridium pullulata, the number of intestinal tract in middle age was slightly higher than that in young ones, and significantly higher than that in infants, and the dominant Lactobacillus casei, Lactobacillus acidophilus and Lactobacillus plantarum were dominant in intestinal tract. The dominant bifidobacterium in the intestinal tract were mainly horny bifidobacterium, bifidobacterium infantile, bifidobacterium elongatum and bifidobacterium brevis, and there was no significant difference among the three groups. There were significant differences in the composition of Lactobacillus group in the intestinal tract among the three groups of volunteers, including Weiss's bacteria in the edible sinuses, Streptococcus spp., Lactobacillus saliva, Lactobacillus San Francisco and so on. There were some differences in the composition of bifidobacterium group in the intestinal tract of three groups of volunteers. The main different bacteria were bifidobacterium, bifidobacterium brevis, bifidobacterium puberty and so on. To sum up, the study showed that the intestinal flora of healthy people at different physiological ages was different.
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