[Abstract]:Ror2 (The receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor) is a member of the RTKs family. It is a single transmembrane receptor and plays an important role in human skeletal development and cancer. In mammals such as mice, the Ror2 mutant mice exhibit facial deformities, short limbs and tail, respiratory dysfunction, and ultimately lead to the development of cancer. It was found that XRor2 and its mutants interfered with the convergence and extension of the gastrula. Therefore, Ror2 may play an important role in the early embryonic development, so we used the advantages of zebrafish embryo development in vitro and early transparency to study the function of Ror2 in early embryonic development. Previous studies have shown that Ror2, as a non-Frizzled receptor, interacts with Wnt5a to regulate CE movement in mice and frogs.
Convergence elongation (CE) movement is an important form of cell movement in the gastrula and plays an important role in the early embryonic development of vertebrates. It is noteworthy that genetic evidence underlines the importance of regulating CE movement in the gastrula of zebrafish embryos. Interaction regulates CE movement, however, in zebrafish, Wnt5a expression is low during gastrula embryogenesis, and Wnt5a knockdown does not cause CE deficiency phenotype. However, the mutant SLB of Wnt11 in zebrafish shows defective CE movement. Previous studies have found that Wnt11 interacts with Frizzled-7 and Flamingo to regulate cell transport. Biochemical experiments show that the extracellular domain CRD of XRor2 can be combined with XWnt11, which provides some information for us, but no research has been done. The interaction between Wnt11 and Ror2 in vivo is reported. Therefore, the above discussion makes us question whether Ror2 can play a role in CE movement in zebrafish, whether Wnt11 mediates CE movement through Ror2, and whether Ror2 and Wnt11 can combine with each other. The purpose of this study is to discuss these questions in turn.
We first cloned the Ror2 gene from zebrafish and found that Ror2 was highly homologous to human, mouse and frog by sequence alignment. RT-PCR analysis showed that Ror2 was a maternal gene and was expressed in all subsequent embryonic stages. The overexpression of Ror2 inhibits the convergence and migration of embryos in gastrula, leading to severe CE deficiency phenotypes, suggesting that Ror2 plays a regulatory role in the CE movement in gastrula.
Co-expression of Ror2 and Wnt11 could synergistically enhance CE deficiency phenotype, and in situ hybridization markers (hgg, dlx3b, ntl) test also confirmed this result, suggesting that zebrafish Wnt11 may regulate CE movement through Ror2. Ror2MOs knockdown test showed that Ror2 knockdown did not lead to CE deficiency in gastrula embryo, we guess the reason for this result. The knockdown phenotype was not obvious because of the presence of Ror2 maternal protein in the embryo and the fact that TB MO could not block its maternal protein. Therefore, we then knocked down Ror2-TM in the Ror2 dominant negative form. The results showed that dnRor2 could cause serious CE defects and subsequent changes in the ocular spacing of the embryo. Narrow or even monocular phenotypes, similar to the wnt11/silberblick mutant phenotype, suggest that zebrafish Wnt11 may regulate CE movement through Ror2. Therefore, we also injected Wnt11MO and dnRor2 into low-dose co-microinjections. The results also showed that Wnt11MO and dnRor2 had synergistic additive effects and further suggested the interaction between Wnt11 and Ror2. The co-expression of Wnt11 mRNA and dnRor2 significantly weakened the phenotype of CE deficiency caused by Wnt11 mRNA, which implied the interaction between Wnt11 mRNA and dnRor2 on the other hand. Therefore, in order to directly prove this hypothesis, we used co-Ip experiment to verify the results, which also proved that Wnt11 can indeed combine with Ror2. We constructed a Ror2 mutant through the site of Ror2 which plays an important role in the regulation of CE movement. The results showed that both Ror2-Y647 and -S863 sites can play a role in this process.
In zebrafish, Wnt11 can bind to Ror2, thus regulating the convergence and extension of gastrula embryo, and the Y647 and S863 loci of Ror2 are indispensable in this regulation. This study not only further understands the important cell movement pattern of convergence and extension, but also opens up new avenues in vertebrates. It provides a theoretical basis for the study of early embryonic development of vertebrates.
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