[Abstract]:Objective to investigate the effects of Heunanshen decoction on the behavior, hemorheology and neurotransmitter content in the brain of insomnia rats with liver stagnation and spleen deficiency syndrome induced by complex factors. Methods chronic tail-clamping stimulation and intraperitoneal injection of chlorphenylalanine (PCPA) compound factor were used to establish the rat model of insomnia according with the syndrome of liver stagnation and spleen deficiency in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), and the intervention was carried out with Heunanshen decoction, and the macroscopic signs of rats in each group were observed. Behavioral evaluation, hemorheology analysis, 5-HT, dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) in the homogenate of hypothalamus tissue were used to determine the pharmacodynamic effect of Heanshen decoction on its animal model. To further explore the mechanism of improving insomnia of liver depression and spleen deficiency type by reconciliation and Anshen decoction. Results after the treatment, the mental state of sleep deprived rats and abnormal behavior of insomnia rats were significantly improved. The content of NE,DA in hypothalamus and 5-HT content in hypothalamus of insomnia rats with liver depression and spleen deficiency syndrome were significantly decreased (P0.01 or P0.05). Conclusion Heunanshen decoction has a certain curative effect on insomnia and has a dose-effect relationship. Its mechanism of improving animal sleep and treating insomnia may be related to the influence of monoamine neurotransmitter content in brain.
【作者单位】: 长春中医药大学附属医院;
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