[Abstract]:Influenza has always been a great threat to human society. The best way to deal with influenza is to get vaccinated. Compared with the traditional inactivated vaccine and attenuated live vaccine, the new nucleic acid vaccine is expected to become a new generation of influenza vaccine because of its many advantages. Because influenza virus surface antigen hemagglutinin (HA) is the best target for influenza virus nucleic acid vaccine, antibodies against hemagglutinin epitopes are the main protective neutralizing antibodies. Therefore, the research of nucleic acid vaccine based on hemagglutinin epitope has some exploratory significance. In this paper, we studied the effect of the change of single antigen epitope of hemagglutinin on the protective effect of nucleic acid vaccine in mice, and tried to construct a cross-protective nucleic acid vaccine based on hemagglutinin epitope. This paper includes the following parts: (1) Influenza virus, influenza virus vaccine and influenza virus hemagglutinin; (2) Construction of single epitope nucleic acid vaccine containing hemagglutinin of influenza A H1N1 virus and comparative study on its protective effect after immunizing mice; (3) Construction of multiantigen epitope nucleic acid vaccine containing hemagglutinin of influenza virus and its cross-protective effect after immunizing mice. Introduction of influenza virus, influenza virus vaccine and influenza virus hemagglutinin: a brief introduction to influenza virus and its variability; classification and characteristics of influenza virus vaccine; and characteristics of influenza virus hemagglutinin (2) Construction of nucleic acid vaccine containing hemagglutinin epitope of influenza A H1N1 virus and comparative study of its protective effect after immunizing mice: in the experiment, several A/PR/8 influenza virus HA1 was constructed as skeleton. Nucleic acid vaccine containing a single epitope of different influenza A H1N1 viruses. 30 micrograms of each vaccine were injected intramuscularly to immunize BALB/c female mice with electric shock. The mice were immunized three weeks later or two weeks later with a lethal dose of (20 脳 LD50) H1N1 influenza virus. The protective effects of each vaccine were evaluated by observing the weight loss rate and survival rate of mice. The results showed that the nucleic acid vaccine containing hemagglutinin epitopes of influenza A H1N1 virus could provide the ability of resisting lethal influenza virus attack in mice. (3) Construction of multi-antigen epitope nucleic acid vaccine containing hemagglutinin of influenza virus and its cross-protective effect after immunizing mice: we constructed a H1N1 influenza virus HA1 skeleton in our experiment. Nucleic acid vaccine containing two A/PR/8 influenza epitopes. Nucleic acid vaccines containing full-length HA of A H1N1 influenza virus and full length HA of A/PR/8 influenza virus were used as control group. BALB/c female mice were immunized with 30 micrograms of each vaccine twice every three weeks. After two weeks of immunization, the mice were attacked with 20 脳 LD50 H1N1 influenza virus and 20 脳 LD50 A/PR/8 influenza virus, respectively. The cross-protection of the vaccine was evaluated by observing the weight loss rate and survival rate of the mice. The results showed that after twice immunization, the nucleic acid vaccine could provide complete protection against influenza A H1N1 virus and A/PR/8 influenza virus, and achieved the same effect as the full-length HA nucleic acid vaccine containing the corresponding virus strain. The control group had little or no protective effect. Therefore, we believe that the nucleic acid vaccine based on multiple antigen epitopes of influenza virus hemagglutinin is feasible and can achieve cross-protection for multiple virus strains.
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