[Abstract]:In the central nervous system (CNS), glial cells are most widely distributed. The traditional view is that glial cells only play a supporting and filling role. With the gradual development of glial cell research, a new research view has been formed in recent years, that is, glial cells can participate in the formation of synapses in the brain. Neurotransmitters are secreted and ingested to regulate the transmission of neuronal information. Glial regulation of neuronal information transmission plays an important role in normal and pathological brain function, such as drug addiction. As a subtype of glial cells, astrocyte (astrocyte) has attracted more and more attention in CNS. The excitability of glial cells is mainly characterized by the increase of intracellular Ca2 concentration, and the release of glial transmitters by the excited astrocytes, which can counteract the neurons. In order to regulate synaptic function and plasticity, the study on the changes of Ca2 in astrocytes has become a hot topic in recent years. In this study, we observed the changes of Ca2 in primary cultured astrocytes of Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats induced by glutamate and NMDA, morphine. The aim of this study was to understand the receptor pathway that interacts with astrocytes and the direct effects of opioid drugs on astrocytes. The astrocytes of the cerebral cortex of SD rats were isolated and purified under aseptic condition. The astrocytes with purity of more than 95% were cultured (identified by GFAP staining). The changes of Ca2 in cultured astrocytes before and after administration of glutamate and NMDA, morphine were observed with Fura-2/AM as Ca2 indicator. The astrocytes were incubated with metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 (mGluR5), NMDA receptor (NMDA receptor, NMDAR), opioid 渭 receptor MTEP,NVP-AAM077 and Ro25-6981,CTAP containing NR2A and NR2B subunits, respectively. The effect of blocking mGluR5, NMDAR and opioid 渭 receptor on intracellular calcium oscillation was studied. The experimental results showed that the fluorescence value of F340/F380 was significantly increased in astrocytes after Fura-2/AM loading with glutamic acid and NMDA, morphine, which indicated that these three drugs could significantly increase [Ca2] I, but antagonize the corresponding receptors. The increase of [Ca2] I in astrocytes was significantly lower than that of glutamate and NMDA, morphine, respectively, which indicated that the increase of [Ca2] I could be significantly inhibited after antagonizing the corresponding receptor. Experimental results: 1. Glutamate could induce the increase of free calcium concentration ([Ca2] I) in astrocytes. Glutamate induced the increase of [Ca2] I in astrocytes by activating mGluR5 and NMDAR. Morphine induces the elevation of [Ca2] I in astrocytes by activating opioid 渭 receptors. Conclusion: the results indicate that there is NMDAR, and opioid 渭 receptor in mGluR5, containing NR2A and NR2B subunits on the cultured astrocytes in vitro. The activation of these receptors can increase [Ca2] I of astrocytes, and the regulatory mechanism of [Ca2] I dependent on these receptors may be one of the important pathways of astrocyte-neuron interaction.
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