[Abstract]:In mammalian self-embryogenesis primary oocytes stagnate in the two-line phase (Diplotene stage), is closely surrounded by a layer of pre-granulosa cells around the formation of static primordial follicle (Primordial follicle); after puberty by batch activation and recruitment into the development of the orbit. With the development of oocytes, chromatin gradually accumulated and migrated around the nucleoli, and the karyotype structure was changed before the blastocyst rupture of (GVBD). GVBD associated with nuclear maturation marks the recovery and commencement of meiosis in oocytes. At the same time, the genomic transcriptional activity of oocytes was inhibited gradually, and at the preovulation stage, the transcriptional activity remained at a global level. This massive transcriptional silencing is a prerequisite for the first meiosis and subsequent developmental potential of pre-ovulation oocytes. Therefore, the initiation of chromatin remodeling (Chromatin Remolding) and large-scale transcriptional silencing is the core basis for preovulation oocytes to resume meiosis and gain further maturation. The PCBP1 protein was identified from the maternal protein lineage of MII by proteomics. It has been demonstrated that PCBP1 protein plays multiple and complex regulatory functions at the transcriptional level in mammals, and studies have shown that the protein is more expressed in immature Germinal Vesicle,GV stage than in MII phase mouse oocytes. The results of fluorescence localization showed that PCBP1 protein was specifically expressed in the nucleus of GV oocytes. These results focus our attention on the function of PCBP1 protein during the first meiotic maturation of GV oocytes. We used two pairs of siRNAs to specifically block the function of PCBP1 protein during meiotic maturation of mouse GV oocytes. The results showed that the functional loss of PCBP1 protein resulted in a significant obstacle in the process of meiosis and maturation of oocytes, and the imbalance of NSN/SN karyotype indicated that the process of chromatin remodeling was obviously interfered. Transcriptional markers and expression microarray were used to analyze the transcriptional status of the whole genome of preovulation oocytes. The results showed that the transcriptional activity of these developmental arrested oocytes showed abnormal activity. Through the deep exploration of the interaction between PCBP1 and nuclear laminin LaminA/C, it was revealed that the oocyte maturation disorder caused by the absence of PCBP1 protein was mediated by LaminA/C. By interfering with the karyotype remodeling events in which they are involved, the overall transcriptional level of the pre-ovulation oocyte genome is affected, resulting in the transcription inhibition being unable to be initiated; the transcription of large-scale transcripts, which are contrary to normal physiological mechanisms, is active. The failure of the establishment of maternal effect directly leads to the obstacle of oocyte meiosis. In conclusion, this study confirmed that PCBP1 protein, as a mother protein specifically expressed in the nucleus of primary oocytes, participates in chromatin remodeling and macro-transcriptional regulation during oocyte development. Thus, the meiotic maturation of GV oocytes was promoted. This study provides us with a profound understanding of the recovery of meiosis in mouse oocytes and cuts into the unique perspective of the global transcriptional silencing events that are initiated with maturation. We believe that in the development of mammalian female gametes, PCBP1 protein will be one of the key factors in positive regulation of meiosis and maturation of oocytes.
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