[Abstract]:The process of cell development in metazoan was once considered an irreversible process. In recent years, studies on iPS (inducible multipotential stem cells) and transdifferentiation of different cell types have completely shaken this view and called for a new institutional understanding of development and reprogramming. Although many mathematical models based on Boolean networks and differential equations have provided some general institutional understanding of cell development, theoretical modeling of reprogramming experiments is still rare. On the other hand, the emergence of reprogramming experiments has made people pay more attention to the developmental landscape proposed by embryonic development biologist Waddington in the 1950s. Although it is only a metaphor, it vividly describes the spontaneous hierarchical bifurcation of cells and implies the possibility of conversion between cell types, which has recently been widely used as a holistic framework to explain cell development and reprogramming. Inspired by this idea, some pioneering research work on developmental landscape appeared. In the tectonic landscape, the previous work only assumed a parameter change to represent the development process, and did not explain its reasonableness. In addition, the work is only a one-step bifurcation of the landscape. This paper extends the theoretical modeling of understanding cell development in recent years, especially the further research on the landscape of the previous two genes. From the three levels of Boolean network, stochastic differential equation and landscape model, this paper systematically explains the development process of central nervous system and provides some suggestions on optimal reprogramming strategy. In contrast to previous work, we United Boolean networks with random simulations. For the developmental landscape, we find that the monotone increase of entropy rate can be used to explain that some parameter change process can represent the cell development process. We also constructed a two-step developmental landscape of the central nervous system and studied its transdifferentiation mechanism. Our work provides a series of interesting conclusions. In particular, this paper points out that under certain conditions, cell transdifferentiation can be completed directly, without the need to go through the intermediate state of stem cells. In addition, the predicted transition from star to neuron is affected by induced genes and the order in which genes are added. These predictions are partly confirmed by some recent reprogramming experiments and will guide future reprogramming experiments.
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