[Abstract]:Aim: ABC transporter (ATP binding cassette transporters) is a group of transmembrane proteins. ATP is used as energy source to mediate the transmembrane transport of lipids and other molecules. Human ABC transporters include A-G7 subfamilies. ABCA6 is a member of ABCA subfamily, and its expression regulation and biological function are not clear. We found that the expression of ABCA6 was up-regulated in human vascular endothelial cells overexpression of transcription factor FoxO by biochip (microarray) analysis. This study focuses on the molecular mechanism of ABCA6 expression regulated by FoxO and the function of ABCA6. Methods: FoxO expression plasmid or FoxO SiRNA were used to transfect the cells, and real-time PCR was used to detect the changes of ABCA6mRNA expression. The promoter sequence of human ABCA6 transcription initiation site was cloned and the reporter gene plasmid was constructed. The FoxO and ABCA6 reporter gene plasmids were co-transfected to detect the luciferase activity. A series of reporter gene plasmids with deletion or mutation were constructed and the binding sites of FoxO on ABCA6 promoter were determined by determining the changes of luciferase activity. In order to further confirm the binding of FoxO to ABCA6 promoter, we observed the binding of FoxO to ABCA6 promoter in vitro by EMSA, and detected the binding of FoxO to ABCA6 promoter by CHIP assay. In addition, we observed the expression of FoxO in glucose deficient cells by Western Blot and detected the level of ABCA6mRNA by real-time PCR. In order to further study the function of ABCA6, we constructed a ABCA6 expression plasmid and established a cell line stably transfected with ABCA6. The localization of ABCA6 in cells was observed by fluorescence immunohistochemistry and confocal microscopy. The changes of Insigl expression of lipid metabolism related genes were detected by real-time PCR. Results: in human vascular endothelial cells, overexpression of spontaneous FoxO1TM, FoxO3TM resulted in a significant up-regulation of ABCA6 expression, while transfection of FoxO1 or FoxO3SiRNA led to a decrease in ABCA6 expression. RVista analysis of human ABCA6 promoter showed that there were two binding sequences recognized by FoxO. Both FoxO1,FoxO3 and FoxO4 could significantly activate the expression of luciferase reporter gene initiated by ABCA6 promoter. Deletion or mutation of ABCA6 promoter at one binding site significantly inhibited the activation of ABCA6 promoter by FoxO, suggesting that the effect of FoxO on ABCA6 transcription was related to the two binding sites mentioned above. In line with the EMSA results, the nucleoprotein overexpression of FoxO was significantly associated with the ABCA6 promoter, and CHIP assay showed that the ABCA6 promoter fragment containing FoxO binding sites could be amplified by specific antibody immunoprecipitation of endogenous FoxO. We also found that glucose deficiency resulted in a significant decrease in FoxO expression and a significant decrease in ABCA6mRNA levels. In addition, immunohistochemical staining and fluorescence confocal microscopy showed that ABCA6 was mainly distributed in Golgi body, which was rich in free cholesterol, and the expression of Insigl in stable transfected ABCA6 cells was significantly decreased by real-time PCR assay. Conclusion: the expression of ABCA6 in human vascular endothelial cells depends on the activation of ABCA6 promoter by FoxO; FoxO, and FoxO regulates the transcription of ABCA6 by directly binding to two sites of ABCA6 promoter. When glucose was deficient, the expression of FoxO and the level of ABCA6mRNA decreased significantly. ABCA6 was located in Golgi body and might be involved in the transport and metabolism of cholesterol.
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