[Abstract]:The olfactory cortex of mammals receives information from the olfactory bulb and is considered to be an important part of odor perception. It is not clear how the olfactory cortex encodes and represents odor information. It is also not known whether it has a temporal and spatial coding law similar to that of other sensory cortex on stimulation information. In addition, because most of the current research conclusions are based on the experiments in anesthetized animals, the effects of anesthetics have some unpredictable interference, resulting in uncertainty of the experimental results. In this paper, the extracellular electrophysiological records of olfactory cortical neurons in awake animals were carried out to study how a single neuron in the olfactory cortex responds to odour. After recording, the neurons were marked, and the cells were divided into main neurons and different types of intermediate neurons according to the morphology, electrophysiological characteristics and neurotransmitter types of the labeled cells. In this paper, it is found that olfactory cortical neurons have very different selectivity and response tuning characteristics to odor information. In the olfactory cortex, about 1 脳 4 of the main neurons can be widely activated by odors with different molecular structures, and 1 / 4 of the main neurons can be widely suppressed by different odors of different molecular structures. The other main neurons, about 1 脳 2, had no response to most of the odors used in the experiment and had very high odour selectivity. The authors also found that GABA neurons were less selective to test odors and were rarely suppressed by odors. Other non-GABA intermediate neurons were strongly suppressed by many odors. In general, these results show that odour information on the olfactory cortex of awake mice is characterized and encoded by many neurons with different odors selectivity. These neurons with different response tuning curves may play different roles in odor perception and coding. In this paper, by comparing the response of cells adjacent to olfactory skin layer to odour, it is found that when a cell has a certain response characteristic to the tested odor, the cells whose distance is less than 50 渭 m are likely to have similar response characteristics. This suggests that the coding of odors in the olfactory cortex is not completely spatial. Finally, the effects of physiological and behavioral states on the activity of olfactory cortical cells were studied. It was found that the motor state of animals was closely related to the spontaneous activity of olfactory cortical cells, that is, the olfactory cortical cells were basically not released under the condition of rapid movement. When the animal stops moving and resting, the cell resumes spontaneous discharge. This suggests that the response of olfactory cortical cells to odour may also be related to the behavior of animals, suggesting that the processing and coding of odor information by olfactory cortical cells may be different under different physiological conditions.
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